A journalist and researcher on unidentified anomalous phenomena (UAP), or UFOs as they're better known, presented the remains of purported "non-human" beings to lawmakers in Mexico on Tuesday during the country's first public congressional hearing on the topic.
近日,有消息传出印度将改国名为Bharat(巴拉特)。9月9日二十国集团(G20)峰会将在印度首都新德里开幕,据媒体报道,印度政府向各国领导人发出的晚宴帖上,穆尔穆的称呼是“The President of Bharat(巴拉特总统)”。同日,印度执政党人民党发言人分享了一张邀请函图片,上面将印度总理莫迪的头衔写作“The Prime Minister of Bharat(巴拉特总理)”。于是,外界就印度更改国名的传闻众说纷纭。
X, the social media platform formerly known as Twitter, said this week it may collect biometric and employment information from its users — expanding the range of personal information that account-holders may be exposing to the site.