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A global gathering of kung fu masters, not for combat but in the spirit of friendship and unity, took place at the Shaolin Temple - the cradle of Shaolin martial arts.

The 2024 Shaolin Games Finals took place in the Shaolin Temple in Central China's Henan Province recently, gathering hundreds of participants from six continents to compete for the global kung fu star title, while serving as platform for cultural exchange and making friends. 

"This event, a platform provided by the Shaolin Temple, allows disciples from around the world to come together, engage in horizontal exchanges and share experiences. This gathering enhances their confidence in Shaolin culture," Shi Yongxin, the abbot of the Shaolin Temple, told the Global Times.

Shaolin kung fu, therefore, plays a significant role in fostering cultural exchange and mutual appreciation. The culture promotes physical well-being, mental happiness and spiritual satisfaction, contributing positively to the family, society and various aspects of life, according to the abbot.

Over the past weekend, a total of 144 martial art masters from 47 countries and regions competed in the finals of the 2024 Shaolin Games, contending for the title of "2024 World Shaolin Kung Fu Star." Along with them were hundreds of kung fu lovers gathering to show their skills, share their personal journeys and meet their peers.
上周末,来自47个国家和地区的144名武术高手参加了2024年少林考功总决赛,角逐 “2024年世界少林功夫之星”的称号。与他们同场竞技的还有数百名功夫爱好者,他们齐聚一堂,一展身手,分享个人心路历程,结识武林同道。

The games included ranking matches, advancement matches, and the final round, with competition events including Shaolin boxing techniques and Shaolin weaponry, the Global Times learned from the temple. 

"The Shaolin Games finals are not about competition of winning or losing, nor a contest of victory or defeat, but moments of life awakening, team development, and the inheritance and enrichment of the Shaolin spirit," Shi said, expressing his hope that the event would "foster cross-cultural exchanges, enhance mutual appreciation of civilizations, and contribute to the well-being, health and peace of humanity." 

At the competition venue, fists and feet stirred the air, while participants whirled, creating a dynamic display of martial prowess. Blades and spears gleamed, as contestants showcased their skills, fully embodying the charm of Shaolin kung fu.

After two days of fierce competition, 10 contestants from China, the US, Australia, Austria, the Czech Republic, Zambia, Peru and other countries were crowned as the "2024 World Shaolin Kung Fu Stars."

 经过两天的激烈角逐,来自中国、美国、澳大利亚、奥地利、捷克、赞比亚、秘鲁等国的 10 名选手获得 “2024 世界少林功夫之星”称号。

编辑 | ETTBL商务英语翻译


来源|Global Times
