Chicken made from cultivated cells is officially on the menu at Bar Crenn in San Francisco. But you can’t just walk in and order it.在旧金山的Crenn酒吧,用培养的细胞制作的鸡肉已经正式列入菜单。但你不可能走进餐厅点这样的鸡肉。About a week and a half ago, the US Department of Agriculture gave two brands, Upside Foods and Good Meat, approval to start producing and selling their cultivated chicken. Cultivated, or lab-grown, meat is developed from animal cells and grown in massive bioreactors with the help of nutrients like amino acids. This happens in a production facility that looks a lot like a brewery.大约十天前,美国农业部批准了两个品牌,Upside Foods和Good Meat,开始生产和销售他们的培育鸡肉。培育肉,或称实验室培育肉,是由动物细胞培育而来,在氨基酸等营养物质的帮助下在大规模生物反应器中生长。这个过程看起来很像在一个酿酒厂的生产设备中。On Saturday, cultivated chicken tempura will be on Bar Crenn’s menu, served with a burnt chili aioli and garnished with greens and edible flowers. Chef Dominique Crenn took meat off the restaurant’s menu in 2018 “because of the impact of factory farming on animals and the planet,” according the restaurant’s website, but is comfortable selling cultivated chicken.周六,培养的鸡肉天妇罗将出现在Crenn酒吧的菜单上,配上烤焦的辣椒酱,并以绿色植物和可食用的花朵作为装饰物。餐厅的网站显示,厨师Dominique Crenn在2018年将肉类从餐厅的菜单中移除,“因为工厂化养殖对动物和地球都会产生影响”,但他很乐意出售培育鸡肉。Upside Foods held a contest on social media to determine who would be able to try the product at Bar Crenn. Contest winners also get to tour Upside Food’s Engineering, Production, and Innovation Center.Upside Foods在社交媒体上举行了一场比赛,以决定谁能在Bar Crenn品尝培育鸡肉。比赛获胜者还可以参观Upside Food的工程、生产和创新中心。After Saturday, there will be other opportunities to try cultivated chicken at Bar Crenn, but not right away.周六之后,在Bar Crenn还会有其他机会品尝培育鸡肉,但并不是马上就能实现。According to Upside Foods, there will will be monthly dinner services featuring the product starting later this year. Those who want to try it can sign up ahead of time on the Bar Crenn website.据Upside Foods称,从今年晚些时候开始,每月将有以培育鸡肉为特色的晚餐服务。想品尝的客人可以提前在Bar Crenn网站上报名。Good Meat is also planning to first serve its product in a restaurant, though it hasn’t revealed a date yet. It’s working with chef and restaurateur José Andrés to bring the item to his Washington, DC, restaurant China Chilcano.Good Meat还计划在一家餐厅首次提供其产品,尽管它还没有透露日期,但Good Meat正在与厨师和餐馆老板何塞·安德烈斯合作,将该产品带到他在华盛顿特区的一个名为China Chilcano的餐馆。The Bar Crenn debut follows a series of approvals granted from the USDA and the Food and Drug Administration, which are together regulating the nascent cultivated meat industry.在美国农业部和美国食品和药物管理局的一系列批准之后,Crenn酒吧首次推出了培育鸡肉,这两个机构正在共同监管新生的种植肉产业。In November, the FDA issued a letter to Upside Foods, essentially saying that it had no further questions about the safety of the product and so considered it safe for consumption. Good Meat got a similar letter in March. Then, in June, both companies got USDA approval for their labels, which must say “cell-cultivated.”11月,美国食品和药物管理局向Upside Foods公司发出了一封信,信中基本上写道美国食品和药物管理局对产品的安全性没有其它问题,因此认为培育肉可以放心食用。Good Meat在3月份也收到了类似的信。然后,在6月,两家公司都得到了美国农业部的批准,他们的标签必须写上“细胞培育”。And late last month, the USDA’s Food Safety and Inspection Service approved Upside Foods’ and Good Meat’s applications for a “grant of inspection.” Those types of applications “are approved following a rigorous process, which includes assessing a firm’s food safety system,” according to an FSIS spokesperson. The grants gave both companies the green light to move forward with sales.上个月末,美国农业部食品安全与检验局批准了Upside Foods和Good Meat的“检查许可”申请。食品安全与检验局发言人表示,这些类型的申请“是在经过严格的程序后批准的,其中包括评估公司的食品安全系统”。这些批准为两家公司的培育肉出售开了绿灯。Because cell-cultured meat is developed from animal cells, it’s not considered vegetarian by Upside Foods or Good Meat.由于细胞培育肉是由动物的细胞培育而来,Upside Foods或Good Meat不认为培育肉是素食。But it may be appealing to ethical or religious vegetarians, because it can be produced without hurting animals (both companies tout the product as slaughter-free), or to those who are vegetarians for environmental reasons. Cultivated meat at scale could use far less land and water than conventional agriculture, experts say.但培育肉可能会引起道德或宗教素食主义者的注意,因为培育肉可以在不伤害动物的情况下产出(两家公司都吹嘘该产品为无宰杀),或者引起那些因环境问题而吃素的人的注意。专家们说,大规模培育的肉类比传统农业使用更少的土地和水。
- nascent [ˈnæsənt]:初期的, 初生的
- rigorous ['rɪɡərəs]:谨慎的,细致的
- conventional [kənˈvenʃənl]:传统的; 通常的; 非核的
翻译:Shaw Henry