Pakistan could get temporary relief for its ballooning foreign debt with a new stand-by arrangement worth $3 billion announced by the IMF in Washington late Thursday.周四晚,国际货币基金组织在华盛顿宣布向巴基斯坦提供30亿美元纾困,帮助该国暂时缓解其不断膨胀的外债。The economy has been stricken by a balance-of-payments crisis as it attempts to service crippling external debt, while months of political chaos have scared off potential foreign investment. Inflation has rocketed, the rupee has reached a record low against the dollar, and the country can no longer afford imports, causing a severe decline in industrial output.巴基斯坦外债累累,经济受到国际收支危机的打击,而国内数月的政治混乱也劝退了大量潜在外资。通膨飙升,卢比兑美元汇率创历史新低,该国再也无力进口,导致工业产出严重下降。"I am pleased to announce that the IMF team has reached a staff-level agreement with the Pakistani authorities on a nine-month standby arrangement in the amount of SDR 2,250 million (about $3 billion)," said IMF official Nathan Porter in a statement.国际货币基金组织官员内森·波特在一份声明中表示:“我很高兴地宣布,国际货币基金组织团队已与巴基斯坦当局就为期9个月的备用信贷安排(SBA)达成了工作人员级别的协议,涉及金额为22.5亿特别提款权(约30亿美元)。

The deal will need to be approved by the IMF's executive board and will be considered by mid-July, Porter said.波特表示,该协议需要得到国际货币基金组织执行董事会的批准,预计将在7月中旬完成。Pakistan's negotiations with the IMF for the last tranche of a $6.5 billion bailout package agreed in 2019 stalled in November, with the government making last-minute changes to the national budget to meet the deal's requirements.巴基斯坦与国际货币基金组织就2019年商定的最后一笔65亿美元救助计划进行的谈判于 11月陷入停滞,政府在最后一刻修改了国家预算以满足协议要求。Pakistan's Finance Minister Ishaq Dar celebrated the new potential deal by tweeting "AlhamdoLilah!", meaning "praise be to God!". But Michael Kugelman, director of the South Asia Institute at the Wilson Center, criticised Pakistan's slow progress on meeting IMF requirements for a deal.巴基斯坦财政部长伊沙克·达尔通过推文“AlhamdoLilah!”(赞美上帝)庆祝这项新的潜在协议。但威尔逊中心南亚研究所所长迈克尔·库格曼批评巴基斯坦在满足国际货币基金组织协议要求方面进展缓慢。Years of financial mismanagement have pushed Pakistan's economy to the limit, exacerbated by the Covid pandemic, a global energy crisis since Russia's invasion of Ukraine, and record monsoon floods that submerged a third of the country in 2022.多年的金融管理不善已将巴基斯坦的经济推向崩坍极限,而新冠疫情、俄乌战争引发的全球能源危机以及2022年创纪录的致命洪灾更是让巴基斯坦不堪重负。The grim data gave the government little room to introduce vote-attracting budget measures ahead of an election due in October.经济一滩糊涂使得政府在十月份的选举之前几乎无力推出吸引选票的预算措施。The IMF had told Pakistan it needed to secure additional external financing, scrap a swathe of populist subsidies, and allow the rupee to float freely against the dollar, before unlocking more funds.国际货币基金组织告诉巴基斯坦,在释放更多资金之前,它需要获得额外的外部融资,取消一系列民粹主义补贴,并允许卢比兑美元自由浮动。Pakistan needs billions of dollars in financing to service staggering levels of external debt, and foreign exchange reserves have dwindled to just $3.5 billion, roughly enough for three weeks of imports.巴基斯坦需要数十亿美元的融资来偿高额外债,而外汇储备已减少至仅35亿美元,大约够三周的进口。

The crisis prompted the government to temporarily impose a months-long broad import ban, stalling multiple industries.这场危机促使政府暂时实施为期数月的广泛进口禁令,导致多个行业陷入停滞。Pakistan failed to meet any economic growth targets for the fiscal year 2022-23, with GDP growth at 0.3 percent, while the country's standing on the global economic rank fell from 24th in 2017 to 47th.2022-2023财年的经济增长目标巴基斯坦几乎无一实现,GDP增长0.3%,而该国在全球经济排名中的排名从2017年的第24位下降至第47位。Inflation reached a record 38 percent in May, after more than a decade of declining real wages for working-class Pakistanis. The IMF acknowledged the external shocks to the economic system, "as well as some policy missteps", in its deal.在巴基斯坦工人阶级实际工资十多年来不断下降之后,5月份通货膨胀率达到创纪录的 38%。国际货币基金组织在其协议中承认经济体系受到外部冲击,“以及一些政策失误”。The stand-by deal would support government's economic stability efforts and "provide a framework for financing from multilateral and bilateral partners", the IMF said.国际货币基金组织表示,备用协议将支持政府的稳经济的努力,并“为多边和双边合作伙伴融资提供框架”。
- balance-of-payments crisis:国际收支危机
- tranche:(国际货币基金组织贷款划分的)部分;一期款项
材料来源:International Business Times