7月5日,李玟姐姐李思林发文表示,李玟因患抑郁症于家中轻生,经抢救无效与世长辞。在李玟发光发亮的艺术生涯中,为华语乐坛留下许多经典歌曲:《月光爱人》《刀马旦》《DI DA DI》……斯人已逝,仍余音绕梁。谢谢李玟,用音乐点亮了这个世界。李玟(CoCo)一路走好!Hong Kong-born singer and actress CoCo Lee, whose decades-long career included dozens of successful albums, movies and television shows, died Wednesday, her sisters announced on social media.李玟的姐姐在社交媒体上宣布,香港歌手和演员李玟于周三去世。几十张大火成功的专辑、电影和电视节目贯穿了他长达数十年的职业生涯。Her sisters Carol and Nancy said she had been suffering from depression for “a few years” and attempted to take her life on Sunday. She was hospitalized but could not be revived from a coma and died on Wednesday. She was 48 years old.她的两位姐姐Carol和Nancy说,她数年前不幸患上抑郁症已经,于7月2日在家中轻生。之后被送入医院,但一直昏迷,最终于7月5日与世长辞,享年48岁。In their statement, the sisters wrote that this year marks the 30th anniversary of Lee’s singing career, during which she “won countless international acclaims with top selling songs and has left audience w an astounding impression of her excellent live performances.”两位姐姐在声明中写道,2023年是李玟歌唱生涯的30周年,在此期间,她“以最畅销的歌曲赢得了无数的国际赞誉,她出色的现场表演给观众留下了令人深刻的印象”。“CoCo is also known to have worked tirelessly to open up a new world for Chinese singers in the international music scene, and she went all out to shine for the Chinese. We are proud of her!” they wrote.“李玟努力为华人歌手在国际乐坛开辟了一个新天地而不懈努力,一直全力以赴为华人发光发热。我们为她感到自豪!”她们写道。Lee was born in Hong Kong and raised in the United States. During one visit back to Hong Kong after high school, she won first place in a singing contest, which kick-started her music career. She found success in Asia throughout the 1990s, with millions of album sales, and music released in English, Mandarin and Cantonese.李玟出生在中国香港,在美国长大。在高中毕业后回香港的一次访学中,她赢得了一个歌唱比赛的第一名,开启了她的音乐生涯。在整个20世纪90年代,她在亚洲取得了巨大成功,专辑销量达数百万张,并以英语、普通话和粤语发行音乐。Lee famously performed “A Love Before Time” at the 2001 Oscars awards ceremony, in a telecast viewed by tens of millions.在2001年的奥斯卡颁奖典礼上,李玟演唱了《爱在黎明前》,这场电视直播高达数千万人观看。In more recent years, she appeared on Chinese singing competition television shows including “Infinity and Beyond” and “Singer.”近年来,她出现在中国的歌唱比赛电视节目中,包括《声生不息》和《歌手》。Lee’s last Instagram post, dated December 31, 2022, acknowledged it had been an “incredibly difficult year,” but urged her followers to stay positive and spread love. “You are not alone, no matter how hard life gets, I’m with (you),” she wrote.2022年12月31日,李玟在Instagram上发表的最后一篇文章,写道这是“极其艰难的一年,”但敦促她的粉丝保持积极向上,传播爱。她写道:“你并不孤单,无论生活多么艰难,我都与(你)在一起。”The announcement of her death sparked shock and grief online, with that final Instagram post flooded with condolence messages, including from other Hong Kong artists. The topic also trended on Chinese social media platform Weibo, gaining nearly 1.4 billion views.李玟去世的消息在网上引发了网友的震惊和悲痛,她在Instagram上发表的最后一篇文章满是哀悼的评论,包括来自香港其他艺人的评论。这个话题也成为中国社交媒体平台微博的热门话题,获得了近14亿的浏览量。It raised discussion around mental health and depression, with many pointing to Lee’s cheerful, bubbly public image, and urging people to support each other with kindness. Others praised Lee for breaking boundaries and providing young Chinese women a role model on the world stage.这件事情引发了人们关于心理健康和抑郁症的讨论,许多人认为李玟开朗、活泼,并敦促人们要以善良的态度相互支持。另一些人赞扬李玟打破了界限,为年轻的中国女性提供了世界舞台上的榜样。
翻译:Shaw Henry