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Chinese trendy toys have become a sensation in countries in Southeast Asia. Recently, a toy named LABUBU, an intellectual property (IP) created by Chinese cultural and creative company POP MART, with pointed ears and serrated teeth, has become a top seller in Thailand, with people queuing up in long lines. Boosted by recent visa-free policies, many people in Thailand are even traveling to China to buy LABUBU toys.  

中国潮流玩具在东南亚国家受到热烈追捧。近日,由中国文化创意公司 POP MART推出的一款名为“拉布布”的知识产权玩具在泰国十分畅销,尖耳朵和锯齿状的牙齿让泰国人排起了长队。受近期免签政策的推动,许多泰国人甚至前往中国购买拉布布玩具。

The popularity of LABUBU caused a frenzy at Bangkok's Suvarnabhumi Airport on the afternoon of July 1. Thai fans, in white LABUBU T-shirts, eagerly awaited the arrival of the doll, chanting its name excitedly. As a lifesize LABUBU made its way toward the crowd with adorable steps, fans were thrilled to interact with it. The scene was reminiscent of a celebrity sighting, with fans clamoring to get a glimpse of their beloved toy.
7月1日下午,“拉布布”的热销在曼谷素万那普国际机场掀起了一阵狂潮,身着白色“拉布布”T恤的泰国粉丝们翘首以盼,兴奋地呼喊着 “拉布布”的名字。当真人大小的拉布布迈着可爱的步伐走向人群时,粉丝们兴奋地与它互动。这场面让人联想到明星见面会,粉丝们争相一睹心爱玩具的风采。

The popularity of LABUBU has exceeded commercial expectations. On the same day, Thailand held a welcome party for LABUBU and bestowed upon LABUBU the title of amazing Thailand experience explorer. The picture of LABUBU at the airport made the front page of the Bangkok Post the following day. 

In April, Thai star Lisa shared a picture on Instagram of herself with a LABUBU, which led to a surge in popularity for the toy in Southeast Asia. The flagship store has seen long queues, and products sell out immediately during live broadcasts. A LABUBU toy that was originally priced at 99 yuan ($13.6) in China is now being sold for 2,590 Thai Baht (512 yuan) in Thailand.
今年4月,泰国明星丽莎在Ins上分享了一张自己与拉布布的合影,这使得拉布布玩具在东南亚大受欢迎。旗舰店排起了长队,产品在直播中秒售清空。在中国原价99元(13.6 美元)的拉布布玩具,现在在泰国售价2,590泰铢(512元)。

Due to the popularity of LABUBU, many Thai tourists in China buy the toys as souvenirs for their friends back home. Xiao Tong, a Chinese woman working in Bangkok, told the Global Times that during a lucky draw event organized by the company, the first prize was a smartphone and the third prize a LABUBU. Many of her Thai colleagues were hoping to win the third prize, she said.

In addition to POP MART, Chinese toy brands like 52TOYS have also seen success in Thailand. In December 2023, 52TOYS opened stores in Thailand and its line of beast box toys quickly sold out. The first month's revenue reached 3 million yuan.
除了 POP MART,52TOYS 等中国玩具品牌也在泰国取得了成功。2023 年 12 月,52TOYS 在泰国开店,其魔兽盒玩具系列很快售罄。第一个月的收入就达到了 300 万人民币。

编辑 | ETTBL商务英语翻译


来源|Global Times
