​阅读系列 | 刘慈欣:科幻巨匠直面AI挑战,灵感源于科技前沿



Science fiction writer Liu Cixin is ready to see AI change human lifestyles and even human society in general. He may explore the subject of the recent AI onslaught in his own sci-fi works, but predicts that sci-fi writing could also be overturned, even taken over, by AI.


Enjoying high prestige as a leading science fiction writer - even before his landmark win of the Hugo Award for the novelThe Three-Body Problem - Liu has been widely seen as a trendsetter in the Chinese sci-fi scene.


Some say Liu "single-handedly" lifted Chinese sci-fi to a world-class level. This is not without basis, as seen from the novel's high-profile global readership, which includes Barack Obama, and the popularity of Netflix's latest adaptation ofThe Three-Body Problem trilogy. In fact, Liu's works had won a number of awards in China since the 1990s, but it was his Hugo Award win - the first win for an Asian writer - that made his novels and the sci-fi genre household names in China.


Chinese sci-fi became even more popular after Liu'sThe Wandering Earth was made into a sci-fi movie in 2019.


The popularity of sci-fi reached a new milestone when the World Science Fiction Convention was for the first time held in China - in Chengdu, Sichuan Province - in 2023.


In a country where traditional swordsman novels and immortal fantasy had long dominated the reading and TV scenes, and sci-fi films in cinemas used to be almost exclusively Hollywood productions, Chinese sci-fi may not have ascended so quickly to "mainstream" status, on par with the other genres, without Liu and his works.


On a typical day, Liu writes and attends to other tasks during the daytime, while his evenings are reserved for reading and watching movies and TV shows. Writing, he said, is not just a job for him but a passion and has become a form of spiritual solace.


Liu admitted that he doesn't have many other interests. He enjoys activities like sports, traveling, and watching movies, but wouldn't necessarily call them hobbies. Looking ahead, Liu revealed that he has been working on new projects but has yet to produce much with which he is satisfied. He expressed his desire to write novels that are different from previous works.


When asked about how he comes up with such unimaginable future technologies and ideas in his works, Liu said the rapid development of technology and the mysteries of nature revealed by cutting-edge technology have been endless sources of inspiration about the future and the universe. He noted that the future technologies in science fiction are based on modern technology and are extensions of it.


As AI-generated content has increasingly become a major trend in society, Liu also began pondering the topic after seeing the significant development of AI over the past few years and its gradual integration into the lives of ordinary people.


The AI onslaught has already started to change the world, including Liu's life. He said he does use generative AI, but not extensively yet. However, he said this may change. If AI ­continues to develop at its current speed and trend, it may greatly intervene in the creation of sci-fi literature, bringing about significant changes.


Liu said AI will have a profound impact on humanity in both the short and long term. In the short term, AI will replace human work in many fields, requiring society to adapt to the situation. In the long term, the intelligence of AI may approach or even surpass that of humans, leading to profound effects on human lifestyles, social forms, and ways of understanding the world. He hopes his future works can explore this theme, but acknowledges that as a sci-fi writer, he may also be replaced by AI, leaving whether he will have the opportunity to do so uncertain.


Indeed, Liu's sparks of inspiration come from the development of modern technology and its impact on humanity, like the cosmic images revealed by modern science. For Liu, he doesn't have a specific method to stimulate the generation of ideas, and so considering the goings-on of today, AI seeping into people's lives could be the perfect subject.


Liu shared that he has also been inspired by great authors like Arthur C. Clarke, who had a significant influence on him. For more contemporary authors, Liu recommended US writer Andy Weir. He praised Weir's works such as The Martian for their richly imaginative stories founded on technology.

刘慈欣还分享道,Arthur C. Clarke等伟大作家给予了他很多灵感,对他产生了深远的影响。至于当代作家,他推荐了美国作家Andy Weir,并称赞其《火星救援》等作品科技基础扎实,故事想象力丰富。

编辑 | ETTBL商务英语翻译


来源|Global Times
