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停播 4 年后,新一季《歌手》终于回归。《歌手2024》一经开播,迅速成为全民热议话题,从首次开创的直播竞演方式,到歌手们神仙打架一般的音乐现场,节目台前幕后的故事都频频登上热搜。



After a four-year absence, "Singer 2024," a competitive music variety show by Mango TV, premiere on Friday night. Sticking to a "live-broadcasting" format devoid of post-production edits, the show has sparked heated debates, triggering reflections on the performances of Chinese singers and exposing the clear disparity between China's music industry and its international counterparts.


The debut lineup ranges from international singers like US singer Chanté Moore and Canadian Z-generation singer Faouzia to renowned Chinese artists such as Na Ying, Wang Sulong and Taiwan-born singer Rainie Yang, reflecting the endeavor by the production team to cater to the varied musical preferences of different demographics.

首期节目阵容强大,既有美国歌手Chanté Moore、加拿大Z世代歌手Faouzia等国际歌手,也有那英、汪苏泷、中国台湾歌手杨丞琳等国内知名歌手,体现了制作团队为满足不同人群的音乐喜好而做出的努力。

In the first episode, seven singers presented their signature pieces. However, from vocal skills to stage presence and flexibility, there was a noticeable gap in performance quality between domestic and international singers.


While seasoned Chanté Moore claimed the top spot with her rendition of "If I Ain't Got You," and young Faouzia mesmerized the audience with her original composition "Crazy," the performances of Chinese singers at the show, including the experienced Na Ying, fell short of expectations.

虽然经验丰富的 Chanté Moore 以一首《If I Ain't Got You》摘得桂冠,年轻的 Faouzia 则以一首原创作品《Crazy》让观众如痴如醉,但久战沙场的那英等中国歌手的表现却不尽如人意。

As a result, the only two foreign singers, Chanté Moore and Faouzia, took the top two spots, while Na ranked third. The subsequent rankings were also occupied by domestic singers.

结果,仅有的两位外国歌手Chanté Moore和Faouzia包揽了前两名,而那英排名第三,国内歌手紧随其后。


The format of live broadcasting in the singing competition deserves applause. However, it also exposes the predicament in which the Chinese music industry finds itself. While the two foreign singers confidently commanded the stage and clinched the top two positions, domestic singers struggled with nerves during the performance.


On the night of its premiere, the show dominated the trending list on Weibo, a Chinese X-like platform. Speculations ran rampant among netizens regarding which skilled artists might step in to fill the gaps left by the eliminated singers. Some even began speculating about the future of the Chinese music industry, questioning who could potentially rescue its current state.


While "Singer 2024" has successfully leveraged its initial lineup to fuel discussions, the show's producers may need to carefully consider subsequent guest lineups to secure audience approval.



Despite the mixed reviews of Chinese performers in the show's first episode, their courage to step into the spotlight without the safety net of post-production editing is commendable. In an entertainment landscape dominated by artificial enhancements like editing, the authenticity of live vocal performances is a refreshing change for audiences.


"Singer 2024" has served as a wakeup call for both Chinese artists and audiences, exposing the disparities between the Chinese and international music scenes. To reverse the current decline in the Chinese music industry, a return to the fundamentals of music-making and a focus on genuine vocal talent is imperative.

《歌手 2024》为国内歌手和观众敲响了警钟,揭示了中外乐坛的差距。要想扭转中国音乐产业目前的颓势,回归音乐创作的本质,重视真正的声乐人才势在必行。

编辑 | ETTBL商务英语翻译
来源|Global Times