科普系列 | 飞翔中的卫生奇迹:揭秘高空中的厕所与纯净空气



Toilets in the sky


Using water to flush airplane toilets is a no go because of aircraft weight restrictions. No biggie; instead, planes use air. The standard evac (evacuation) system uses differential air pressure to empty the bowl, in a design originally patented byJames Kemper In 1975.

飞机因重量限制,无法像地面那样使用水冲洗厕所。但这并不是难题,因为飞机采用的是气压差排污系统。这一巧妙设计最初由James Kemper于1975年申请专利。

Waste tanks – where everything that goes down the toilet ends up – are usually located at the back of the plane, and often at the front, too.


When you press the flush button, a valve opens at the bottom of the toilet bowl, connecting it to a pipe below. That pipe – and the waste tank – are pressured, which means that opening the valve creates a vacuum that sucks out what’s in the bowl.


“It’s like your vacuum cleaner – it sucks,” says Nigel Jones, an aircraft engineering expert fromKingston University in London who also sits on the accreditation committee of the UK’s Royal Aeronautical Society.

英国皇家航空学会认证委员会成员、伦敦金斯顿大学的飞机工程专家Nigel Jones解释道:“这就像使用吸尘器一样,会产生强大的吸力。”

“As you press the button, it opens the valve – and as soon as the valve opens, the suction draws it all out. Then the valve closes.”


That vacuum effect is going on continuously while the plane is in the air, says Jones – we just don’t hear it until we open the valve and connect the toilet to the system. When the plane is on the ground, however, the differential pressure isn’t there – meaning that the toilet flush is operated by a pump, which creates a vacuum in the tank. As the plane climbs into the air, and the differential pressure in the tank builds, the vacuum naturally forms and the pump stops.


Toilet bowls are Teflon coated. “So nothing sticks, and it doesn’t need much at all – the differential pressure clears everything mighty quickly,” says Jones.

为保证马桶的清洁,其表面涂有特氟龙涂层。Nigel Jones表示:“这样设计能确保污物不会粘附,而且冲洗迅速有效。”

Airlines choose how many toilets they want in a plane, and where they want them. Jones says that there are minimum numbers per aircraft, depending on size, but airlines can go above those if they want.


Of course, a tank that’s filled needs to be emptied – and this is where “honey wagons” come in. These are airport servicing vehicles which empty the tank and take the contents to be processed on airport grounds.


It’s a well honed process with 50 years of history – so does that mean things will stay the same forever? Jamco, a Japanese company which currently has a 50% share of the aircraft toilet market, has already pushed boundaries, building onboard bidets for eight airlines including JAL, Al Nippon Airways and Oman Air. They were also first to introduce hygienic touchless flushes and faucets, on the Boeing 787.


A spokesperson for the company told CNN: “There are constraints in terms of space, safety requirements, and stringent certifications, making it challenging to introduce new technologies in aircraft interiors.However, we are continuously conducting workshops and discussions with various stakeholders to explore next-generation interior products.” In other words – watch this (small, suction-operated) space.


Fresh air at 40,000 feet

It wasn’t just travel restrictions that stopped people traveling when the pandemic started; for many, the idea of sitting in close proximity to strangers who might be harboring disease meant they had no intention of taking a flight, whether or not they were allowed.


That’s when airlines – which usually concentrate on publicizing their inflight entertainment and fancy seats – started talking about HEPA filters. These air filters – HEPA stands for “high efficiency particulate air”– are standard in two environments: aircraft and operating rooms. According to the US government’s Environmental Protection Agency, they can remove “at least 99.97% of dust, pollen, mold, bacteria, and any airborne particles with a size of 0.3 microns.”


While many people think the air on a plane is constantly blown around the cabin, Jones says that modern aircraft circulate air in a different way. “In the old days, aircraft used to take air from the engines, so it had to be cooled through through an air conditioning pack,” he says. But newer aircraft – such as the Boeing 787 – don’t use “engine bleed” air. Instead, they have onboard compressors – “one for each ECS, or environmental control system,” says Jones. They take air from an external source and run it through the compressor. The ECS then circulates the air through the cabin, refining it with HEPA filters.

虽然许多人认为飞机上的空气是在机舱内不断循环的,但Nigel Jones解释说,现代飞机的空气循环方式与此不同。他表示:“过去,飞机上的空气确实来自发动机,并需要通过空调机组进行冷却。但现在的新型飞机(如波音787)则采用机载压缩机从外部获取新鲜空气,并通过环境控制系统进行过滤和循环。”

The onboard air circulation of today isn’t just about keeping healthy – it also controls how passengers feel, especially on longhaul flights. “On a 787 the air is changed every three minutes – completely new air – and on the [Airbus] A350 it’s every two to three minutes, with precisely controlled temperature and humidity to make you feel fresh when you get to your destination,” says Jones.

这种先进的空气循环系统不仅确保了机舱内的空气清新和健康,还能为乘客提供更加舒适的飞行体验。Nigel Jones说:“在波音787飞机上,空气每三分钟就会完全更换一次。而在空客A350飞机上,空气每两到三分钟更换一次,并且温度和湿度都经过精确控制,让乘客在长途飞行中依然感觉清新舒适。”

编辑 | ETTBL商务英语翻译


