X, the social media platform formerly known as Twitter, said this week it may collect biometric and employment information from its users — expanding the range of personal information that account-holders may be exposing to the site.前身为Twitter的社交媒体平台X本周表示,它可能会收集用户的生物特征和就业信息,从而增加用户向该网站披露的个人信息的范围。The disclosures came in an update to the company’s privacy policy, which added two sections related to the new data collection practice.公司在更新隐私政策时发布了这一公告,该政策增加了关于数据收集的两个部分。“Based on your consent, we may collect and use your biometric information for safety, security, and identification purposes,” the policy read.该政策写道:“如果你同意,我们可能会出于安全和身份识别为目的收集和使用你的生物识别信息。”In addition, under a new section labeled “job applications,” X said it may collect users’ employment and educational history.此外,在标有“求职申请“的新板块中,X表示可能会收集用户的就业和教育经历。The company also said it could collect “employment preferences, skills and abilities, job search activity and engagement, and so on” in order to suggest potential job openings to users, to share that information with prospective third-party employers or to further target users with advertising.X还表示,它可能会收集“就业偏好、技能和能力、求职活动和参与度等“,以便向用户推荐潜在的空缺岗位,与潜在的第三方雇主分享这些信息,或进一步向用户投放广告。For X Premium users, the company will give an option to provide a government ID and a selfie image for verification purposes. The company may extract biometric data from both the government ID and the selfie image for matching purposes, the company told CNN in a statement.对于X Premium的用户,公司将提供一个选择,即提供政府身份证和自拍图像以进行验证。该公司在一份声明中告诉CNN,公司可能会从政府身份证和自拍图像中提取生物识别数据,并用于匹配。“This will additionally helps us tie, for those that choose, an account to a real person by processing their Government issued ID,” according to the company. “This will also help X fight impersonation attempts and make the platform more secure.”据该公司称,“对于那些选择实名认证的用户,这还将有助于我们处理他们的身份证件。”这也有助于X打击假冒行径,使平台更加安全。The policy adjustment arrives as owner Elon Musk seeks to turn the platform into an “everything app” that could include financial services and other features similar to the popular Chinese app WeChat.这一政策是平台所有者埃隆·马斯克试图将该X打造成一个“万能应用”做出的调整,包括金融服务和其他类似于在中国流行的微信的功能。
- biometric [ˌbaɪoʊˈmetrɪk]:生物统计的
- disclosure [dɪsˈkloʊʒə(r)]:公开; 泄露,揭露