Nearly a third of Americans - over 113 million people - are under some form of heat advisory, the US National Weather Service said. Across the US, temperatures are shattering decades-long record highs. 美国国家气象局表示,美国有近三分之一的人(超过 1.13 亿人)正面临某种形式的高温警告。美国各地的气温正在打破数十年来的历史新高。In El Paso, Texas, temperatures have soared to above 37C - triple-digits Fahrenheit - for 27 consecutive days, overtaking a record last set in 1994.在德克萨斯州埃尔帕索,气温连续27天飙升至37摄氏度以上,打破了1994年创下的最高纪录。In the UK, the June heat didn't just break all-time records, it smashed them. It was 0.9C hotter than the previous record, set back in 1940. That is a huge margin.英国六月的高温不仅破了历史记录,更是对这些历史记录进行了降维打击,比1940年创下的上一个记录高了0.9摄氏度——这是一个巨大的差距。

There is a similar story of unprecedented hot weather in North Africa, the Middle East and Asia. No surprise, then, that the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather forecasts said that globally, June was the hottest on record.北非、中东和亚洲也空前炎热。欧洲中期天气预报中心表示,全球范围内,今年六月是有记录以来最热的月份,也就不足为奇了。And the heat has not eased. The three hottest days ever recorded were in the past week, according to the EU climate and weather service, Copernicus.此外,暑气还未消退,根据欧盟气候监测机构哥白尼气候变化服务局的数据,有史以来最热的三天出现在过去一周。The average world temperature hit 16.89C on Monday 3 July and topped 17C for the first time on 4 July, with an average global temperature of 17.04C. Provisional figures suggest that was exceeded on 5 July when temperatures reached 17.05C.7月3日,世界平均气温达到16.89摄氏度,并于7月4日首次突破17摄氏度,全球平均气温为17.04摄氏度。临时数据显示,7月 5日气温达到17.05 摄氏度,这一数字超出了这一范围。

These highs are in line with what climate models predicted, says Prof Richard Betts, climate scientist at the Met Office and University of Exeter.英国气象局和埃克塞特大学的气候科学家理查德·贝茨教授表示,这些最高值与气候模型的预测相符。"We should not be at all surprised with the high global temperatures," he says. "This is all a stark reminder of what we've known for a long time, and we will see ever more extremes until we stop building up more greenhouse gases in the atmosphere."贝茨教授指出,人们不应该对全球高温感到惊讶,大家对气温高居不下的原因一直心知肚明,在人们停止排放更多温室气体之前,极端天气将会更多。”When we think about how hot it is, we tend to think about the air temperature, because that's what we experience in our daily lives. But most of the heat stored near the surface of the Earth is not in the atmosphere, but in the oceans. And we've been seeing some record ocean temperatures this spring and summer.一说起天气热时,人们往往第一时间会想到气温,因为这就是我们在日常生活中所经历的。但地球表面附近储存的大部分热量并不在大气中,而是在海洋中。今年春夏我们已经看到一些创纪录的海洋温度。

The North Atlantic, for example, is currently experiencing the highest surface water temperatures ever recorded. That marine heatwave has been particularly pronounced around the coasts of the UK, where some areas have experienced temperatures as much as 5C above what you would normally expect for this time of year.例如,北大西洋目前正经历有记录以来最高的地表水温。英国沿海地区的海洋热浪尤其明显,一些地区的气温比一年中这个时候的正常气温高出5摄氏度。The US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) has labelled it a Category 4 heatwave. The designation is rarely used outside of the tropics and denotes "extreme" heat.根据美国国家海洋和大气管理局的数据,北海的部分地区属于四级海洋热浪,这一级别很少在热带地区以外使用,表示“极端”炎热。"Such anomalous temperatures in this part of the North Atlantic are unheard of," says Daniela Schmidt, a professor of Earth Sciences at the University of Bristol. At the same time, an El Niño is developing in the tropical Pacific.布里斯托大学地球科学教授丹妮拉·施密特说:“北大西洋这一地区如此异常的温度是闻所未闻的。”与此同时,热带太平洋地区正在出现厄尔尼诺现象。El Niño is a recurring weather pattern caused when warm waters rise to the surface off the coast of South America and spread across the ocean.厄尔尼诺现象是一种反复出现的天气模式,当温暖的海水上升到南美洲海岸附近的表面并扩散到整个海洋时就会引起这种现象。