At a UN summit, countries have agreed to curb shipping emissions to net zero "by or around 2050".在联合国峰会上,各国同意“到 2050 年左右”实现航运业净零排放。Shipping is a highly polluting industry, responsible for nearly 3% of global emissions and generating around 1 billion tonnes of greenhouse gases each year - roughly the same amount as Germany's carbon footprint. If it were a country, the shipping industry would be the sixth largest polluter in the world.航运业是一个高污染行业,温室气体排放量占全球排放量的近3%,每年产生约10亿吨温室气体,与德国的碳足迹大致相当。如果航运业是一个国家,其将是世界第六大污染源。Reducing maritime emissions rapidly in the next three decades will require new regulations, infrastructure and fuels. But what might green shipping of the future look like?未来三十年迅速减少海上排放将需要新的法规、基础设施和燃料。但未来的绿色航运会是什么样子呢?

The shipping industry can reduce its reliance on fossil fuels by turning to an ancient technology: sails. Wind propulsion is considered one of the most promising energy sources available for the rapid decarbonisation of shipping. Swedish company Oceanbird has built a prototype ship with four rigid sails. Wind power not only propels the ship forward but also aids its manoeuvrability and agility on the water. 航运业可通过转向使用“老技术”——帆船,减少对化石燃料的依赖。风力推进被认为是航运快速脱碳最有前途的能源之一。瑞典公司Oceanbird 建造了一艘带有四个刚性帆的原型船。风力不仅推动船舶前进,还有助于其在水上的机动性和敏捷性。

Deploying clean fuels such as hydrogen is critical if the shipping industry is to reach net zero by 2050. Green hydrogen - generated by using renewable energy, such as wind or solar power, to extract hydrogen from water molecules - is emissions-free.如果航运业要到2050 年实现净零排放,那么使用氢等清洁燃料至关重要。绿色氢是利用风能或太阳能等可再生能源从水分子中提取氢而产生的,是零排放的。

Maersk, the world's second-largest container shipping company, is betting big on green methanol to help it decarbonise. The company has ordered a total of 25 methanol-powered ships to date. Green methanol is a low-carbon fuel which can be produced from sustainable biomass or by using renewable electricity to split water into oxygen and hydrogen, which is combined with carbon dioxide. Unlike hydrogen, green methanol does not have to be stored under pressure or extreme cold, and many ports already have infrastructure in place to store the fuel.全球第二大集装箱运输公司马士基正在大力投资绿色甲醇,以帮助其脱碳。迄今为止,该公司已订购了总共25艘甲醇动力船舶。绿色甲醇是一种低碳燃料,可以通过可持续生物质或使用可再生电力将水分解为氧气和氢气,然后与二氧化碳结合来生产。与氢气不同,绿色甲醇的储存不需要高压或极冷的环境,许多港口已经拥有储存燃料的基础设施。

Batteries charged using renewable electricity are another way to curb shipping emissions. But there are limits to the distances they can power. Currently, renewable batteries are an option only for smaller ships making short journeys, such as ferries and river boats, not for large cargo ships crossing oceans.使用可再生电力充电的电池是抑制航运温室气体排放的另一种方法。但它们的供电距离是有限的。目前,可再生电池仅适用于渡轮和河船等短途航行的小型船舶,不适用于穿越海洋的大型货船。

- 绿色基建|Green infrastructure
A rapid uptake of green fuels on vessels will require abundant new infrastructure at ports to produce and store them, and to allow ships to refuel. Ports must invest in hydrogen-generating electrolysers, renewable energy capacity, such as wind and solar power, as well as battery and hydrogen storage facilities. Most ships will also need to be retrofitted to enable them to run on green fuels, use wind propulsion and digital software to improve their efficiency and optimise routes. 船舶上快速使用绿色燃料将需要在港口建立丰富的新基础设施来生产和储存这些燃料,并支持船舶加油。港口必须投资制氢电解槽、风能和太阳能等可再生能源产能,以及电池和储氢设施。大多数船舶还需要进行改造,使其能够使用绿色燃料、使用风力推进和数字软件来提高效率并优化航线。
- manoeuvrability:机动性;可移动;操纵的灵敏性