Xi Jinping’s Letter to Students of Beijing Normal University Attending “Outstanding Teachers Program”你们好!来信收悉。入学一年来,你们通过课堂学习和支教实践,增长了学识,开阔了眼界,坚定了到基层教书育人的信念,我感到很欣慰。值此北京师范大学建校120周年之际,谨向全校师生员工、广大校友致以热烈的祝贺和诚挚的问候!I have received your letter. Over the past year since you were enrolled in the program, through course study and offering teaching service in underdeveloped regions, you have enriched your knowledge, broadened your horizon and hardened the conviction of going down to serve at the grassroots. I am very glad to learn that. As Beijing Normal University celebrates its 120th anniversary, I would like to extend my warm congratulations and best wishes to all faculty members, students and alumni!
北京师范大学是我国最早的现代师范教育高等学府,为国家培养了一大批优秀教师。希望你们继续秉持“学为人师、行为世范”的校训,珍惜时光,刻苦学习,砥砺品格,增长传道授业解惑本领,毕业后到祖国和人民最需要的地方去,努力成为党和人民满意的“四有”好老师,为培养德智体美劳全面发展的社会主义建设者和接班人贡献力量。Beijing Normal University, as the earliest modern teacher-training institution of higher learning in China, has cultivated a great number of outstanding teachers for the country. I hope that you will carry forward the university’s motto“Learn, so as to instruct others; act, to serve as example to all,” waste no time and study hard, cultivate your moral character and improve your capabilities of teaching students both knowledge and the way of leading a rewarding life. I also hope that you will serve in places where the country and people need you the most, and work hard to become a qualified teacher with firm ideals and beliefs, moral sentiments, solid knowledge and benevolence so as to commit yourselves to nurturing a new generation of capable young people with moral grounding, intellectual ability, physical vigor, aesthetic sensibility and work skills for the socialist cause.Upon the arrival of Teachers’ Day, I would like to wish all teachers across the country a happy festival!

知识拓展:为什么师范大学是Normal University?师范大学这一叫法最早源于法国,1794年,巴黎高等师范学校Ecole Normale Supérieure de Paris成功建立,成为世界上最早的师范学校,该校以培养高级教员和高级研究人员为己任,对全球诸多师范院校影响深远。这所院校拥有200多年历史,为法国培养了无数杰出的教师人才、数百位法兰西学院院士、13名诺贝尔奖获得者、14名菲尔兹奖获得者(世界第4),堪称世界上诺贝尔奖人均产量最高的大学。知名校友有罗曼·罗兰、萨特、蓬皮杜、洛朗·法比尤斯、朱佩等。normal一词源于法语——Ecole Normale意为“标准学校,模范学校”。1923年,北京高等师范学校更名为北京师范大学,当时参考了杜威、孟禄等学者的意见,将其英文译名定为Peking Normal University(后改为 Beijing Normal University)。此后我国成立的其它师范院校,也清一色沿用Normal University 这一译名,如:
- 华东师范大学:East China Normal University
- 华中师范大学:Central China Normal University
- 南京师范大学:Nanjing Normal University
- 陕西师范大学:Shaanxi Normal University
- 首都师范大学:Capital Normal University
但老外对Normal University可能没什么概念,因为在英美等国的“师范学院”,一般叫做:teachers’ college, the college of teachers。