During the two sessions this year, China's legislators are gauging a suitable way to address juvenile delinquency problems by adjusting penalty mechanisms for juvenile offenders.
The move follows a strong social call for severe punishment for underage perpetrators. In 2019, the public was shocked to see a 13-year-old boy in Northeast China's Liaoning province face no criminal charges after murdering a 10-year-old girl. The incident sparked a debate about the age of criminal responsibility.
这回应了近年来民众对于严惩性质恶劣的少年犯的呼声。2019年,辽宁大连一13岁男孩杀害10岁女孩后因未满14周岁不承担刑事责任引发公众不满,同时掀起了社会对降低刑责年龄的探讨。China's Criminal Law stipulates that those aged under 14 are not held criminally responsible for their actions. But many people believe the age threshold should be adjusted to keep pace with the time. 中国刑法规定14周岁以下的未成年人属于无刑事责任能力人,因而免刑责,很多人认为这一年龄门槛应该相应降低,适应社会发展。The issue is also being widely discussed among China's top legislators. Xiao Shengfang, a deputy to the National People's Congress, recommended this year that the minimum age of criminal responsibility be lowered from 14 to 13.今年全国两会,这一话题也成为了代表委员们关注的热点。全国人大代表、广东省律师协会会长肖胜方建议对我国未成年人刑事责任年龄的起点进行调整,从原来的14周岁下调为13周岁。

According to him, juveniles live in an informative society where one's mind can mature more quickly under the influence of TV, internet and social media. However, the current legal system lacks the necessary deterrence for felonies.
在他看来,由于电视机、互联网、新媒体的影响,社会信息化程度越来越高,现在未成年人的心智更加早熟,现行法律对他们并没有起到该有的震慑作用,有必要进行相应调整。At the age of 13, most youngsters have finished primary school and have cultivated cognitive and self-control capabilities to understand the consequences of their own behaviors. Many aged 12 or 13 are already tall and of strong build. 13周岁的少年基本完成小学教育,就读初中,其已具备相当的辨认能力和控制能力,能够理解其实施行为的性质和意义。随着社会物质文化水平的提高,许多未成年人12-13岁左右身材高大,大脑发育较快,面貌成熟。Though many support the idea of lowering the minimum age to deter possible crimes, others are instead arguing for a more prudent approach.虽然很多人支持“下调”,但也有不少人呼吁不能唯年龄论,而要谨慎面对这一问题。Fang Yan, a legal expert from Shaanxi province and deputy to the National People's Congress, said to China Daily that she believes the priority should be given to reform the rehabilitation system for educating and reforming juvenile offenders. 全国人大代表、陕西省律师协会副会长方燕接受中国日报采访时提出,在权衡是否降低刑事责任年龄之前,更应得到关注的是集教育矫治未成年人理念和功能为一身的收容教养制度。She believes many juveniles are vulnerable to bear physical and mental setbacks. Additionally, when put into prison, some would be negatively influenced by inmates and hence develop criminal psychopathy, which is of no use for crime prevention. 她认为,由于未成年人认识能力较低,且身心承受能力较弱,适用刑罚很容易导致交叉感染,催生监狱化犯罪人格。不仅不利于预防犯罪,还容易导致他们重新犯罪。Rehabilitation systems used to be criticized for poor management and stigmatization. Fang recommends having the court, rather than the police, determine the trial and decision-making process; clarifying legal interpretations for rehabilitation institutions; and improving the implementation manner in the Minors Protection Law. 虽然收容教养制度多受诟病,但需要客观地分析其存在的问题,寻找相应的对策。因此她建议在《预防未成年人犯罪法》中继续保留收容教养制度并加以完善,做出立法解释使其具有法律依据,在审理和决定程序上实现司法化,在执行上改变执行方式和统一执行场所,使收容教养制度能够适应社会发展和实践的需要。On May 14, a spokesman for the Legal Work Committee of the NPC Standing Committee responded to the issue, saying the effectiveness of simply lowering the minimum age of criminal responsibility is still under research. The committee aims to improve the educational rehabilitation mechanism and establish a grading system for punishment in the next phase. 5月14日,全国人大常委会法工委相关负责人就“降低未成年人刑事责任年龄”作出回应。该负责人称,单纯降低刑事责任年龄能否从根本上有效解决低龄未成年人犯罪问题,需要进一步研究论证。下一步,法工委将结合有关法律修改完善工作,进一步研究在制度层面建立和完善未成年人违法犯罪分级干预处置机制和有效教育矫治措施。代表们不同观点的争锋正体现了未成年人犯罪问题解决的复杂性,毕竟修改法律不是“小工程”,任何一处微小的更改对一些未成年人来说都是“生命不可承受之重”。当然,未成年人犯罪也不单纯是法律问题,而是一个复杂而庞大的社会问题,需要各方面齐心协力,从源头上寻找办法。