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The curtain fell on the 2024 US presidential election's first televised debate on Thursday, but the performances of the two candidates neither impressed nor surprised American voters and foreign observers.

The Thursday debate merely followed election tradition and had barely any impact on Americans, who have to acknowledge the reality that neither candidate can bring vitality to a stagnant US political scene, Chinese observers said on Friday. 

Associated Press said the debate was defined by personal attacks after US President Joe Biden delivered rambling answers and his Republican rival, Donald Trump, countered with falsehoods.

His 78-year-old rival Trump, as he often does, spoke with force but with plentiful falsehoods, AP reported. The news outlet, in its online threads covering the event, incorporated fact check sheets, which observers noted was not a common practice.  

Trump and Biden also bickered over how far they can hit a golf ball and their stamina on the course, with Trump bragging about trophies he's won and Biden claiming he's been a single-digit handicap, according to AP. 

Lü Xiang, a research fellow of US studies at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, told the Global Times on Friday that the debate itself did not bring any fresh ideas as the two candidates are not new faces, and the public know their policy orientation and style quite well. 

Though the two candidates attacked each other verbally, Lü said the debate itself was not stimulating as the moderator's questions were not challenging, while their answers were given limited attention. 

Economic problems, immigration, abortion, Ukraine and tariffs were touched on. But instead of focusing on their responses, viewers paid more attention to Biden's slips of the tongue and Trump's dramatic facial expressions in reaction to Biden's remarks.

"It is more of a variety show than a serious election debate," Lü said, as both candidates have a specific base and the scale of swing states has dropped sharply, meaning conventional campaign procedures will have little influence on voters' options. 

编辑 | ETTBL商务英语翻译


来源|Global Times
