阅读系列 | Lyuting Home:为青少年抑郁症患者打造温馨康复之家

青少年抑郁症,如同一个隐形杀手,悄无声息地侵蚀着孩子们的身心健康。在浙江杭州,一个名为Lyuting Home的地方,却成了这些孩子们的温暖港湾。
这里,没有暴力,没有评判,只有尊重与关爱。陪伴者们用心倾听、用爱守护,帮助孩子们走出阴霾,重拾生活的色彩。如今,Lyuting Home的服务模式已引起广泛关注,成为助力青少年心理健康的新力量。

The maladies or symptoms strike without warning. Possibly, at first, the problem manifests itself in an inability to sleep well. Then the dietary problems start. Feelings of inadequacy are common. Nothing seems interesting. Life's supposed vibrancy — the laughter, the humor, the challenges — seems like a cruel joke. A sudden emotional breakdown strikes, and the person may wake up crying, or play endlessly with a smartphone.


These are some of the symptoms of teenage depression, and most adolescents who have lived at Lyuting Home in Hangzhou, East China's Zhejiang province, are familiar with these symptoms, which have caused many of them to drop out of school.

这些症状,对于曾在浙江杭州Lyuting Home生活过的青少年们来说,并不陌生。许多孩子因为这些困扰而不得不离开学校,承受着重重的心理压力。

"Depression is a prevalent dilemma that students increasingly face across the country. We hope to turn Lyuting into a cozy, cave-like home, for those whose body and soul are in distress, to help them recover and return to normal life," Sheng Menglu, founder of the organization, says.


"Our basic rule is simple: No violence, no judgment, and respect for diversity," the 31-year-old woman says, adding that under the rules, everyone's feelings, behavior and ideas are welcomed, and there are no taboo subjects.


A recent survey showed that more than 70 percent of the adolescents who lived in Lyuting for more than a month responded that their temporary residence had empowered them to feel connected to their community and provided a sense of security.

根据最近的一项调查数据显示,超过七成在Lyuting Home居住超过一个月的青少年表示,这个临时住所不仅增强了他们与社区的联系,更为他们带来了前所未有的安全感。

Since its establishment in October 2021, the four-story home has served about 80 teenagers and their families through its companion program. Under the program, companion workers, usually in their 20s or 30s with a background in psychology, develop a healthy bond with the adolescents, providing care and love, dealing with their emotional dilemmas and helping them identify and express their feelings.


"Over the past two years, some organizations have consulted us about our service model and we hope it can be expanded, leveraging greater social forces to help more people in need," Sheng says.


Depression and anxiety disorders trouble nearly 30 million adolescents across the country, according to the 2022 blue book on national depression released by People's Daily. Among them, 2 million are estimated to have dropped out of school due to psychological distress.


"After they receive therapy in a hospital or special school, most of these teenagers are trapped at home, which may not provide a good environment for recovery," she says.


编辑 | ETTBL商务英语翻译


来源|China Daily
