科普系列丨划时代设备Vision Pro横空出世

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苹果划时代的电子设备Apple Vision Pro于2月2日在美国正式发售,起售价为 $3,499 美元(约合人民币25181元),后续将在更多国家和地区出售。


据库克表示,Vison Pro 开创了一类新的计算设备,能将数字世界融入真实世界,从而实现增强现实(AR)。这款设备兼容 iOS 和 iPadOS 的各种软件,可以办公、娱乐,拍摄空间视频,并且只需要手、眼和语音就能交互。苹果官网将其定义为“Apple的首个空间计算设备”。


苹果推出的 Vision Pro 是不是让屏幕前的小伙伴们很心动呀?来和ETTBL君看一下详细双语报道吧~

The Vision Pro, Apple’s first new product in seven years, officially launched in stores on Friday in the US.


苹果公司七年来的首款新产品Vision Pro已于2月2日在美国正式开售。


The mixed reality headset went on sale at Apple Stores across the country.




On Friday morning at Apple’s New York City Flagship Store, CEO Tim Cook welcomed waiting customers into the store — shaking hands and taking selfies as employees cheered. Around 200 people had lined up ahead of the 8 a.m. launch, including customers from around the world.


周五上午,在苹果纽约旗舰店,员工鼓掌欢呼,首席执行官蒂姆·库克欢迎排队的顾客进店,并与顾客握手合影。Vision Pro上午8点开售,大约200人在店前排起了长队,其中还包括来自世界各地的顾客。


People are also able to receive private one-on-one demos on a first come, first served basis at retail stores.




CEO Tim Cook has long talked up the potential for augmented reality to help people communicate and collaborate. Now he will have to prove that a device that blends both virtual reality and augmented reality, a technology that overlays virtual images on live video of the real world, is indeed the future of computing.




Ahead of the release, Cook called it “the most advanced consumer electronics device ever created.”




But it won’t be an easy sell: It’s a $3,499 clunky computer you wear on your face. The headset will have 256 GB of storage, and prescription lens inserts for the device will be available starting at $149. Reading lens inserts start at $99.

然而,该产品并不热销:这是一台价值3499美元、戴在脸上的笨重电脑。这款产品拥有256 GB的存储空间,设备的镜片起售价为149 美元。阅读镜片起价为99美元。

Once you factor in additional accessories, like a $200 travel case and $50 battery pack holder and more, it can cost up to $4,600, The New York Times reported.




The headset enters just as the extended reality (XR) market — a category that includes augmented, virtual and mixed reality — has plateaued with little mainstream consumer adoption. The Vision Pro has limited apps out of the gate and will be tethered to a battery pack the size of an iPhone, offering about 2.5 hours of battery life on a single charge.


这款头戴式设备的诞生正值扩展现实(XR)市场(包括增强现实、虚拟现实和混合现实)趋于平稳,主流消费者使用率不高之际。Vision Pro 一开始只有部分应用程序,并将与iPhone大小的电池相连接,一次充电可提供约2.5小时的续航时间。


The experience, however, is unmatched when it comes to watching immersive videos and interacting with the world around you. It’s rare to find a new technology that feels groundbreaking.



编 辑 | ETTBL

翻 译 | Henry

资料来源 | CNN
