The UK has signed a pact with the EU to increase co-operation on financial services. It will set up a forum where the EU and UK can meet twice a year to discuss financial regulation and standards.英国与欧盟签署了一项加强金融服务合作的协议(欧盟-英国金融服务监管合作谅解备忘录),双方将共同设立一个论坛,就金融监管和标准进行商讨,该论坛每年举行两次。The long-awaited move is being seen as a sign the UK is willing to work more closely with the EU.人们认为这一举措是英国愿意与欧盟展开更密切的合作的迹象。Chancellor Jeremy Hunt said building a constructive relationship was of mutual benefit, as the UK and EU financial markets were "deeply interconnected".英国财政大臣杰里米·亨特表示,英国和欧盟的金融市场“紧密相连”,因此双方建立具有建设性的关系是互惠互利的。The memorandum of understanding that is being signed was first outlined in the UK-EU Trade and Co-operation Agreement, in the wake of the UK losing unfettered access to EU markets under Brexit.该谅解备忘录首先次出现是在《英国-欧盟贸易与合作协议》中,在此之前,英国在脱欧后失去了不受限制的欧盟市场准入。

However, describing this as an "agreement" is misleading. It does not mean the UK is committing to align with the EU on regulation, nor conceding to any previous demands Brussels may have signalled, such as moving the processing of some euro-denominated financial instruments out of London.然而,将其描述为“协议”是具有误导性的。这并不意味着英国承诺在监管方面与欧盟保持一致,也不意味着承认布鲁塞尔之前可能提出的任何要求,例如将一些以欧元计价的金融工具的处理移出伦敦。What it means is that both sides are committing to a regular twice-yearly meeting to discuss "voluntary regulatory co-operation on financial services issues".这意味着双方承诺每年两次定期举行会议,讨论“金融服务问题上的自愿监管合作”。In March, the UK and the EU signed the Windsor Framework, which aims to ease the passage of goods arriving in Northern Ireland from Great Britain by reducing the number of checks needed. The agreement was seen as a sign of improving relations between the UK and the EU.今年三月,英国和欧盟签署了《温莎框架》,旨在通过减少所需检查数量来简化从英国抵达北爱尔兰的货物通行。该协议被视为英国与欧盟关系改善的标志。

Coming after the Windsor Framework, the signing of the financial services memorandum is another indication that the UK has become more conciliatory and pragmatic in its approach to the EU than under previous Prime Ministers Boris Johnson and Liz Truss, and may potentially signal more alignment on future regulation.继《温莎框架》之后,金融服务备忘录的签署再次表明,与前任首相鲍里斯·约翰逊和利兹·特拉斯相比,英国对欧盟的态度变得更加开放和务实,并可能预示着未来将更加一致。Treasury sources have conceded that the agreement of the Windsor Framework paved the way to get this memorandum over the line. This bodes well for closer working on some of the outstanding parts of the post-Brexit arrangements - not least the tighter rules around rules of origin that are due to come in for carmakers.财政部消息人士承认,温莎框架的协议为这份备忘录的通过铺平了道路。这预示着英国脱欧后安排的一些重点部分将得到更密切的合作,尤其是针对汽车制造商的更严格的原产地规则。But in practice it is unlikely to mean significant changes for financial services in the very near future. The likelihood is there is only time for three forums ahead of the next election.但实际上,这不太可能在不久的将来对金融服务产生重大变化。在下一次选举之前,很可能只有时间召开三次论坛。
- pragmatic:讲求实际的,务实的;实用主义的;(语言学)语用的