Apple has unveiled a much-anticipated augmented reality headset, Apple Vision Pro, in its first major hardware launch for almost a decade. 近十年来,Apple 首次在硬件产品发布会中推出了备受期待的AR眼镜——Apple Vision Pro。Apple CEO Tim Cook said the new headset "seamlessly blends the real world and the virtual world". The tech firm also announced its latest iPhone operating system, as well as updates to MacBook Air.苹果首席执行官蒂姆·库克表示,这款新眼镜“实现了现实与虚拟的无缝融合”。此外,苹果还推出了其最新的IOS系统,以及苹果电脑的更新。The headset has a two-hour battery life, costs $3,499 (£2,849) and will be released early next year in the US. The cost is considerably more than virtual reality headsets currently on the market. Last week Meta announced its Quest - which costs $449.Apple Vision Pro的电池续航时间为两小时,售价为3499美元(2849英镑),将于明年初在美国正式上市。这款眼镜的成本远高于目前市场上的同类产品,就在上周,Meta 退出了VR头显Quest,售价仅449美元。Apple said little about generative artificial intelligence - the buzzy technology that is the talk of Silicon Valley. The company's share price fell slightly during the announcement, made at a developer's conference at Apple Park, the company's headquarters, in Cupertino, California.生成式人工智能是硅谷热议的一项热门技术,但苹果对这项技术总是三缄其口。在加利福尼亚州库比蒂诺公司总部Apple Park举行的开发者大会上宣布推出Apple Vision Pro时,苹果的股价略有下跌。

Apple Vision Pro looks different to similar headsets on the market - and is more reminiscent of a pair of ski goggles than a virtual reality headset.Apple Vision Pro不同于市场上的同类产品,它更像是一副滑雪护目镜,而不是VR头显。Apple used the phrase "augmented reality" to describe what the new device does. Augmented reality, also known as mixed reality, superimposes virtual objects in the world around us - enabling us to mix reality with virtual reality by looking through a screen.苹果使用“增强现实”一词来描述新设备的功能。增强现实,也称为混合现实,将虚拟对象叠加在我们周围的世界中——使我们能够通过屏幕观看来混合现实与虚拟现实。Users can access apps, watch movies, and write documents in a virtual world. But so far, there is little evidence of a big market for this kind of wearable tech.用户可以在虚拟世界中访问应用程序、观看电影和编写文档。但到目前为止,几乎没有证据表明这种可穿戴技术有很大的市场。Hartley Charlton, senior editor of MacRumors, was unsure how much the headset would appeal to the general public.关于消费者是否买账这款眼镜,国外苹果论坛(MacRumors)刊文的高级编辑Hartley Charlton对此表示怀疑。"It won't appeal to mainstream consumers at first on account of its extremely high price point and immediate shortcomings as a first-generation device," he said, "such as its separate wired battery pack."Hartley 说道:“Apple Vision Pro价格不菲,且是苹果第一次生产这类产品,产品很难保证完美无缺,因此一开始不会吸引主流消费者。例如,这款眼镜配有独立的有线电池组。”But he said Apple has a track record of "overcoming scepticism" about new devices, and has historically encouraged people to "part with their cash to add a new gadget to their repertoire".但他也表示,苹果在“新品去疑”方面有着良好的记录,并且历来鼓励消费者“花钱尝鲜”。

In his sales pitch, Mr Cook said the headset allows users to "see, hear and interact with digital content just like it's in your physical space". It is controlled by using a combination of your hands, eyes and voice - such as tapping your fingers together to select, and flicking them to scroll.库克在推销活动中表示,这款耳机让用户“能够像在物理空间中一样看到、听到数字内容并与之互动”。它是通过您的手、眼睛和声音的组合来控制的——例如一起点击手指进行选择,然后轻弹手指进行滚动。The announcement comes a week after Meta and Lenovo announced new iterations of their pre-existing virtual-reality headsets, that do not superimpose objects onto a view of the real world. Meta has also invested heavily in mixed reality - but right now the sector is struggling.一周前,Meta和联想宣布了他们现有虚拟现实耳机的新版本,这些耳机不会将物体叠加到现实世界的视图上。Meta 还对混合现实进行了大量投资,但目前该行业状态整体不佳。The headset market saw a 54% drop in global sales last year, according to the International Data Corporation. Apple's last major hardware release was for the Apple Watch device in 2015.根据国际数据公司的数据,去年耳机市场的全球销售额下降了54%。苹果上一次主要硬件发布是在2015年针对Apple Watch设备发布的。Thomas Husson, of Forrester Research, told BBC News it may take time for Apple's new headset to take off.弗雷斯特研究公司的Thomas Husson告诉BBC新闻,苹果的新眼镜可能需要时间才能起飞。"The overall AR/VR space has been a bit overhyped over the past few years with the metaverse and that kind of experience," he said. "That's the reason why I think it will take a bit more time.Thomas说道:“在过去的几年里,整个 AR/VR 领域都被元宇宙和那种体验夸大了,这就是为什么我认为需要更多时间的原因。"Having said that, if I told you 10-15 years ago that people would be ready to pay almost $2,000 for a mobile phone, I don't think many people would have said they would be willing to pay that."“话虽如此,如果我在10到15年前告诉你人们愿意为一部手机支付近2,000 美元,我认为没有多少人会说“我愿意”。”
- much-anticipated:备受瞩目的,万众期待的
- generative artificial intelligence:生成式人工智能
- reminiscent:使人联想的;怀旧的,缅怀往事的
- superimposes:叠加的;上叠的;重迭的;