The global job market will see massive changes over the next five years that could result in 14 million jobs being wiped away, according to a World Economic Forum report. WEF released the fourth edition of The Future of Jobs Survey on Sunday and included findings based on surveys of more than 800 companies in the report.据世界经济论坛的一份报告指出,全球就业市场在未来五年将发生巨变,可能导致1400万个工作岗位流失。世界经济论坛周日发布了第四版《2023未来就业报告》,报告公布包括了对800多家公司的调查结果。Employers that took part in the survey anticipate that 69 million new jobs will be created by 2027 and 83 million jobs will be eliminated. This would result in a net decrease of 14 million jobs or 2% of the current employment, according to CNN.参与调查的公司雇主预计,到2027年,将新增约6,900万个工作岗位,有8,300万个工作机会将会消失。据美国有线电视新闻网报道,这将导致1400万个工作岗位减少,占当前就业人数的2%。More than 85% of the surveyed organizations believe that increased adoption of new technologies and widening digital access will most likely drive transformation in their companies. Factors that will contribute to generating new positions include the shift to renewable energy systems, the adoption of new technologies and the broader application of Environment, Social and Governance (ESG) standards.超过85%的受访公司认为,新技术的普及和数字访问的扩大很可能会推动公司转型。可再生能源系统的转变、新技术的采用以及环境、社会和ESG标准的广泛应用将有助于新岗位的产生。

On the other hand, economic challenges like soaring inflation, slower economic growth and supply shortages are factors that could threaten job growth, the report said. Certain job roles, the majority of which are technology-related, are quickly growing in demand due to the adoption of new technology, digitalization and sustainability.另一方面,报告称,经济增长放缓、供应短缺和通货膨胀给就业带来了风险。由于采用了新技术、数字化和可持续性,某些工作岗位的需求迅速增长,其中大多数与技术有关。Companies adopting artificial intelligence will have both a positive and negative impact on job growth. Employers will need staff members who can put AI in place and also manage the AI tools. However, deploying AI will also put several job roles at risk.越来越多的公司也开始纷纷采用人工智能,这些公司对就业增长有正面影响也有负面影响。雇主需要有人工智能运用与管理技术的员工。然而,采用人工智能也会给部分工作岗位带来冲击。In the list of the top 10 fastest-growing jobs, AI and Machine Learning Specialists take the first spot. This is followed by Sustainability Specialists, Business Intelligence Analysts, Information Security Analysts, Fintech Engineers, Data Analysts and Scientists, Robotics Engineers, Electrotechnology Engineers, Agricultural Equipment Operators, and Digital Transformation Specialists.在增长最快的10个工作岗位中,人工智能和机器学习专家占据了第一位,其后的是可持续发展专家、商业智能分析师、信息安全分析师、金融科技工程师、数据分析师和科学家、机器人工程师、电子技术工程师、农业设备运营商和数字转型专家。

As the shift to renewable energy continues, other relatively fast-growing job roles include Renewable Energy Engineers, Solar Energy Installation and System Engineers.随着向可再生能源的持续转变,其他相对快速增长的职位包括可再生能源工程师、太阳能安装和系统工程师。The report predicts that the top 10 fastest-declining roles are Bank Tellers And Related Clerks; Postal Service Clerks; Cashiers and ticket Clerks; Data Entry Clerks; Administrative and Executive Secretaries; Material-Recording and Stock-Keeping Clerks; Account, Bookkeeping and Payroll Clerks; Legislators and Officials; Statistical, Finance and Insurance Clerks; Door-To-Door Sales Workers, News and Street Vendors, and Related Workers.该报告预测,下降最快的10个岗位是银行出纳员和相关职员;邮政服务职员;收银员和票务员;数据录入员;行政秘书和执行秘书;材料记录和库存管理员;会计、簿记和工资事务员;立法者和官员;统计、财务和保险事务员;上门销售人员、新闻从业者和街头小贩以及相关工作人员。

To compensate for expected job losses, global efforts to decarbonize in response to the climate crisis are giving rise to a wealth of green jobs across sectors and industries. A green-recovery scenario could generate around 3.5% of additional global GDP growth and a net employment gain of 9 million new jobs each year, according to International Energy Agency data.为应对未来的失业潮,致力于减少碳排放的各国正在各个部门和行业创造大量的绿色就业机会。根据国际能源署的数据,绿色复苏可能会让全球GDP额外增长百分之三,每新增岗位达到900万个。The green transition could create 30 million jobs globally in clean energy, efficiency and low-emissions technologies by 2030. But while there has been continued growth in green jobs for the past four years, reskilling and upskilling towards green skills is not keeping pace.到2030年,绿色转型可以在全球清洁能源、效率和低排放技术领域创造3000万个就业机会。但是,尽管在过去四年中,绿色工作岗位持续增长,但对绿色技能的重塑和提升并没有跟上步伐,还较为落后。
- World Economic Forum:世界经济论坛
- reskilling and upskilling:技能重塑和技能提升
材料来源:International Business Times