Statement by Prime Minister Liz Truss on the Death of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II
We are all devastated by the news that we have just heard from Balmoral. The death of Her Majesty The Queen is a huge shock to the nation and to the world. Queen Elizabeth II was the rock on which modern Britain was built. Our country has grown and flourished under her reign. 我们都对刚刚从巴尔莫勒尔听到的消息感到悲痛。女王的去世对英国和世界都是一个巨大的冲击。伊丽莎白二世女王是现代英国赖以建立的岩石。在她的管理下,我们的国家得到了发展和繁荣。Britain is the great country it is today because of her. She ascended the throne just after the Second World War. She championed the development of the Commonwealth – from a small group of seven countries to a family of 56 nations spanning every continent of the world.因为她,英国才有今日之伟大。二战结束后,女王登基,她倡导英联邦的发展--从一个由七个国家组成的小集团发展到一个由56个国家组成的横跨世界各洲的大家庭。We are now a modern, thriving, dynamic nation. Through thick and thin, Queen Elizabeth II provided us with the stability and the strength that we needed. She was the very spirit of Great Britain – and that spirit will endure. She has been our longest-ever reigning monarch. It is an extraordinary achievement to have presided with such dignity and grace for 70 years. Her life of service stretched beyond most of our living memories. In return, she was loved and admired by the people in the United Kingdom and all around the world.现在的英国是一个现代的、繁荣的、充满活力的国家。英国历经风雨,女王为我们提供了我们需要的稳定和力量。她是大不列颠的精神所在--这种精神将持续下去。她是我们有史以来在位时间最长的君主。70年来,女王一直以一种优雅的方式管理国家,这是一项非凡的成就。女王这一生所做的贡献超越了我们大多数人的生活记忆。作为回报,她受到了英国和全世界人民的爱戴和敬仰。
She has been a personal inspiration to me and to many Britons. Her devotion to duty is an example to us all. Earlier this week, at 96, she remained determined to carry out her duties as she appointed me as her 15th Prime Minister. Throughout her life, she has visited more than 100 countries and she has touched the lives of millions around the world. In the difficult days ahead, we will come together with our friends across the United Kingdom, the Commonwealth, and the world to celebrate her extraordinary lifetime of service. It is a day of great loss, but Queen Elizabeth II leaves a great legacy.女王一直激励着我和许多英国人,她对职责的奉献是我们所有人的榜样。本周初,96岁的女王仍然坚定地履行职责,任命我为第15任首相。女王这一生访问了100多个国家,触动了全世界数百万人的生活。在今后困难的日子里,我们将与联合王国、英联邦和全世界的朋友们一起,庆祝她一生的卓越奉献。女王的离去是一个巨大损失,但她给我们留下了一份伟大的遗产。Today, the Crown passes – as it is has done for more than a thousand years – to our new monarch, our new head of state: His Majesty King Charles III. With the King’s family, we mourn the loss of his mother. And as we mourn, we must come together as a people to support him. To help him bear the awesome responsibility that he now carries for us all. We offer him our loyalty and devotion just as his mother devoted so much to so many for so long.今天,新王继位,成为新的国家元首,这是一千多年来的惯例。查尔斯三世国王陛下。与国王的家人一起,我们为他丧母而感到悲伤。在我们哀悼的同时,我们必须团结起来,为他提供支持,帮助他承担起他现在为我们所有人承担的巨大责任。我们需要献出我们的忠诚和奉献,就像他的母亲长期以来为这么多人奉献了那么多。And with the passing of the second Elizabethan age, we usher in a new era in the magnificent history of our great country – exactly as Her Majesty would have wished – by saying the words: God save the King.随着伊丽莎白二世时代的过去,我们伟大英国的壮丽历史迎来了新时代--正如女王陛下所希望的那样--通过说这些话:天佑我王。