5个常用的商英idioms 学起来~



A long shot 机会不大、概率很小的事

该俚语从十九世纪末开始流行,最早起源于打枪。枪支刚刚出现时,准确性很差,距离稍微远一点就打不中目标。因此,“A long shot”就成了“成功的可能性很小”的意思。再比如,篮球员试图从很远的距离投篮时,投进的可能性较小,即成功的机会非常小。

  • Winning the lotto is a long shot, but I have to try. 中彩票成功的可能性很小,但是我必须试一试。

  • Getting a senior position in the corporation one day is a long shot, but if you don’t try you’ll never find out if it’s possible. 一天就获得公司的高级职位是不太可能,但如果你不尝试,你永远不会知道它是否可能

To corner the market 垄断市场


  • They’re buying all the wheat they can to try to corner the market. 他们买进能买到的所有小麦,因为他们企图垄断市场。

  • Intel has pretty much cornered the market of microprocessors for servers. Their direct competition, AMD, is a distant second. 英特尔几乎垄断了服务器微处理器市场,他们的直接竞争对手AMD排在第二位,远远落后。

Hands are tied 无能为力 束手无策 爱莫能助

当你因为法规、规则或其他有权力的人而无法进行任何有意义的行动时,可以来一句“Hands are tied”。

  • I wish I could help you cut through all this red tape (another business idiom meaning administrative procedures) but my hands are tied. My boss won’t let me. 我希望我能帮你简化这些繁文缛节(另一个商业习语,意思是行政手续),但是我无能为力。我老板不让。

  • I’m sorry, I would love to approve your application, but my hands are tied by the regulations. 抱歉,我很想批准你的申请,但是这样的规定让我无能为力。

Between a rock and a hard place 左右为难 进退维谷 陷入困境


  • I hate my job but cannot quit owing to my economic condition. I'm stuck between a rock and a hard place. 我讨厌我的工作,但由于我的经济状况,我不能辞职。我进退两难。

  • Management finds itself between a rock and a hard place after the corruption scandal that has erupted. Either they file for bankruptcy and hope that law enforcement forgets about them, or they stay in business and run the risk of going to jail. 腐败丑闻败露后,管理层发现自己进退两难。他们要么申请破产,希望执法部门忘掉他们,要么冒着坐牢的风险,继续经营。

By the book 照章办事 按规定办事

在英语中,by the book 是一个常用的习语,意思是“照章办事;按规定办事”。但有时候也有“照本宣科;墨守成规”的贬义。

  • He showed little initiative, handling all matters strictly by the book. 他缺乏首创精神,墨守成规地办一切事情。

  • I don’t want to take any chances of getting caught by the financial regulators and having to pay significant fines. We have to do everything by the book. 我可不想冒险,被金融监管机构逮到而必须支付巨额罚款,所以我们必须按规定办事。

