When I was young, nostalgia was a tiny stamp. Me on this side, Mother on the other side.
Now that I've grown up, nostalgia is a nucleic acid test report. Me on this side, hometown on the other side.

The new version of Nostalgia humorously adapted by netizens is mixed with the bitterness of workers who can't go home. For the 2021 Spring Festival, "stay put" has become many people's choice to curb the spread of COVID-19. However, the new year's atmosphere can't be diluted as strong bond between family members can't be weakened by distance. Unpacking special parcels sent from parents for the Spring Festival has become a trendy fashion.

"Parents' special purchases for the Spring Festival" has become a hot topic on Sina Weibo and the hashtag has been viewed more than 170 million times by Friday noon. Besides pressing likes on others' posts, many netizens also post pictures of deliveries sent by their own parents.
One netizen, surnamed Xu, shared her story: It's the first time she's celebrating Spring Festival in Shanghai though she has been living in Shanghai for nine years. Her mother sent her dozens of express boxes from her hometown to let her spend a good year in Shanghai, most of which were full of local specialties.小许在上海已经生活了9年,但今年却是第一次在上海过年。为了让女儿在上海过好年,小许的母亲从老家寄来了十几箱快递,大多是家乡特产。
"Festival atmosphere in place with cooker ready for the New Year's Eve dinner," said another whose parents packed a local warm pot and delivered it to Beijing, where she would spend the festival.“年夜饭预热,气氛组已到位!”一位微博网友分享道。为了让TA在北京能够吃上一顿家乡年夜饭,这位网友的爸妈将老家特有的土暖锅,层层打包邮寄到了北京。
"Awww! Mom wrote me the New Year's Eve dinner menu and cookbook," said another web user.“泪目!妈妈给过年不回家的我,写的年夜饭菜单。不仅寄快递,妈妈连年夜饭该怎么做,都亲手写好了。”In addition to fish and meat in the delivery parcel, simple snacks such as dried radishes, fried meatballs, osmanthus rice cakes are also popular options. Netizens say these snacks carry the memory of hometown, thus can't be bought with money. Rather, it's a bite of hometown.除了大鱼大肉,一些简单小吃也让人心心念念:萝卜干,炸圆子,桂花年糕……网友表示这些小吃承载着家乡的味道,花再多钱也买不到,唤醒的是舌尖上的记忆。

Over 80 percent of respondents will stay put for the Spring Festival, according to a survey by China Youth Daily. Data from logistics platform suggests that delivery package volume has increased by 70 percent after the call to stay put. Packages are mainly flowing to places like Guangdong, Zhejiang and Shanghai.
据中国青年报调查显示,超八成受访者会就地过年。用“快递”方式吃上一口家乡味成为很多人的选择。相关物流平台数据显示,在“非必要不出行”政策的倡导下,春运期间包裹量大幅增加了七成。年货包裹主要流往广东、浙江、上海等地。People from Fujian are sending the most delivery packages, with sea worm jelly and tea being their favorites, while people from Hunan and Sichuan favor chili sauce and bacon. These Lunar New Year deliveries flow across the country, mapping out Chinese people's family connections.
福建成为寄出年货最多的省份,土笋冻、茶叶是他们的最爱,而湖南和四川人寄出最多的是辣椒酱和腊肉。这些年货快递在全国范围内流动,绘出了中国人的亲情地图。Although people are not traveling for the Lunar New Year, delivery packages do. Parents and their children are thousands of miles apart, but a special reunion is realized. In the past, parents' wishes were filled in trunks, but now they are loaded into express parcels. What remains unchanged is love. Perhaps this enables us to better understand the meaning of the Spring Festival, home and reunion.人不流动年货走。你我相隔千里,却实现了舌尖上的团圆。以往年货装满后备箱,如今放进快递包裹。依然不变的,是父母们沉甸甸的爱。也许正是就地过年,让我们更明白春节的意义、家的意义、团圆的意义。Have you received the delivery from parents? What did your family send you? What do you want to receive most? Share with us in the comment section!你收到年货快递了吗?家人都给你寄了什么?你最希望收到什么?在评论区告诉大家吧!