该不该降低刑责年龄?丨Deputies mull changes in coping with juvenile crimes

During the two sessions this year, China's legislators are gauging a suitable way to address juvenile delinquency problems by adjusting penalty mechanisms for juvenile offenders. 


The move follows a strong social call for severe punishment for underage perpetrators. In 2019, the public was shocked to see a 13-year-old boy in Northeast China's Liaoning province face no criminal charges after murdering a 10-year-old girl. The incident sparked a debate about the age of criminal responsibility. 


China's Criminal Law stipulates that those aged under 14 are not held criminally responsible for their actions. But many people believe the age threshold should be adjusted to keep pace with the time. 


The issue is also being widely discussed among China's top legislators. Xiao Shengfang, a deputy to the National People's Congress, recommended this year that the minimum age of criminal responsibility be lowered from 14 to 13.


According to him, juveniles live in an informative society where one's mind can mature more quickly under the influence of TV, internet and social media. However, the current legal system lacks the necessary deterrence for felonies.  


At the age of 13, most youngsters have finished primary school and have cultivated cognitive and self-control capabilities to understand the consequences of their own behaviors. Many aged 12 or 13 are already tall and of strong build. 


Though many support the idea of lowering the minimum age to deter possible crimes, others are instead arguing for a more prudent approach.


Fang Yan, a legal expert from Shaanxi province and deputy to the National People's Congress, said to China Daily that she believes the priority should be given to reform the rehabilitation system for educating and reforming juvenile offenders. 


She believes many juveniles are vulnerable to bear physical and mental setbacks. Additionally, when put into prison, some would be negatively influenced by inmates and hence develop criminal psychopathy, which is of no use for crime prevention. 


Rehabilitation systems used to be criticized for poor management and stigmatization. Fang recommends having the court, rather than the police, determine the trial and decision-making process; clarifying legal interpretations for rehabilitation institutions; and improving the implementation manner in the Minors Protection Law. 


On May 14, a spokesman for the Legal Work Committee of the NPC Standing Committee responded to the issue, saying the effectiveness of simply lowering the minimum age of criminal responsibility is still under research. The committee aims to improve the educational rehabilitation mechanism and establish a grading system for punishment in the next phase. 

