近期,美国各地出现了反对保持社交距离(social distancing)和居家令(stay-at-home order)的抗议活动。
其中的一些标语写着:“重启宾州——保护弱势,开放经济,拥护自由(ReOpen PA-Protect The Vulnerable, Open The Economy, Champion Liberty)”,“让美国复工(Let America Work Again)” 和“我们不会为了安全而牺牲自由(We won’t sacrifice LIBERTY for security)” 。
此次抗议活动的组织者之一Matthew Bellis认为该州州长在隐瞒真实情况,但民众有权知道真实情况。
Reopening the state shouldn’t be a political issue, we voted in a governor and we want to work with that governor. 重启宾州与否不应该是一个政治议题,州长是大家投票选举出来的,我们希望和州长合作。 We feel that the governor has really kept us in the dark and we haven’t had a voice yet to know exactly how and why the decisions are made to put this lockdown in place and what measures we’re going to take to reopen the state. 我们觉得州长一直在瞒着我们,让大家一头雾水。实施封锁的决定究竟是怎么达成的,为什么要实施封锁令,现在仍然没有清晰的解释。我们也不知道我们要采取什么措施去重启宾州。
We’re exercising our First Amendment by saying that we think this is unfair and Americans need to get back to work.
超过一个月没有工作的单亲母亲Diana Shaffer不理解人们为什么要抨击他们。
I was getting comments like you’re part of the problem, you’re going to kill everybody, things like that just really off the wall.
I actually thought I would get more support and I did not, at least not at first, until I realized there was a lot of people that felt the same way that I did but they just didn’t have the courage to speak out about it.
Shaffer举着引用富兰克林名言的标语:准备用自由换取暂时安全的人们,既不配得到自由,也不配得到安全 图源:ABC News
护士在科罗拉多州首府丹佛市街头阻挡前去抗议的民众 图源:AJ+
在北卡罗来纳州,上百人参加街头抗议活动,要求重启经济 图源:AJ+
4月17日,特朗普在特推上面声援抗议者,接连发推文,“解放密歇根州”,“解放明尼苏达州”和 “解放弗吉尼亚州,保护你们的第二修正案吧,它正遭受着攻击”。
特朗普这系列推文,引发极大争议。Vox于当天发表文章《特朗普危险的“解放”推文代表的是一小部分群体的观点》(Trump’s dangerous “LIBERATE” tweets represent the views of a small minority),呼吁人们别被福克斯新闻和总统欺骗了。
President Donald Trump can’t help but sow division, even at a time when Americans are largely united in supporting stay-at-home orders and social distancing to slow the spread of the coronavirus.
US President Donald Trump said Wednesday he “totally disagrees” with Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp’s phase 1 plans to reopen tattoo parlors, bars, hair salons and other nonessential businesses this week.
美国总统特朗普本周三说自己“完全不同意”佐治亚州州长Brian Kemp的第一阶段计划,该计划旨在本周重新开放纹身店、酒吧、理发沙龙和其他非必要行业。
Trump said Kemp’s decision violates the phase 1 guidelines the White House announced last week that recommends states wait to ease social distancing restrictions until there’s widespread testing and a low level of community transmission.
据约翰斯·霍普金斯大学数据, 截至美东时间23日17时41分,美国新冠确诊病例为864415例,死亡47892例。
美国传染病专家安东尼·福奇 (Anthony Fauci)表示:
Unless we get the virus under control the real recovery economically is not gonna happen, so what you do if you jump the gun and go into a situation where you have a big spike you’re gonna set yourself back.
As President Trump pushes to reopen the economy, most of the country is not conducting nearly enough testing to track the path and penetration of the coronavirus in a way that would allow Americans to safely return to work, public health officials and political leaders say.
In desperate efforts to slow the spread of the virus, much of the country is under stay-at-home orders that have been deemed necessary by health experts, taking a historic toll on the economy but which polls show an overwhelming majority of Americans agree with.