新华社记者 鞠鹏 摄 Chinese President Xi Jinping on Sunday stressed unremitting efforts in the prevention and control of the novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) epidemic and coordination in advancing economic and social development. 下面,双语君(微信ID:Chinadaily_Mobile)带大家一起来看总书记讲话中这些暖人心、提士气的话: 中华民族历史上经历过很多磨难,但从来没有被压垮过,而是愈挫愈勇,不断在磨难中成长、从磨难中奋起。 The Chinese nation has experienced many ordeals in its history, but it has never been overwhelmed. Instead, it has become more and more courageous, growing up and rising up from the hardships.
After arduous work, the positive trend in the prevention and control work is now expanding. It has been proven that the CPC Central Committee's judgment on the situation of the epidemic is accurate, all work arrangements are timely, and the measures taken are effective. The results of the prevention and control work have once again demonstrated the notable advantages of the leadership of the CPC and the system of socialism with Chinese characteristics.
不获全胜决不轻言成功。 No victory should be lightly announced until there is a complete win.
对表现突出的干部要大力褒奖、大胆使用,对不担当不作为、失职渎职的要严肃问责。 Cadres who make outstanding contributions should be awarded, while those who fail to perform their duties should be held accountable. 文章来源:中国日报双语新闻