
1. tough break 

when something unfortunatehappens. Tough这个形容词的意思是“艰难,棘手”,而break做名词可以当“运气”讲。所以,tough Break指“困苦的处境,恶运”

eg: That tough break put an end to my plans!

我真是太倒霉了! 后面的所有计划都泡汤了!

2. back to the drawing board 

to start something over and goback to the planning stage.


比如说一个公司为了要提高利润,叫雇员们提出各种建议。但是老板认为这些都行不通, 要大家从头来。The boss sent them back to the drawing board. 

3. 24/7 

“24/7” means 24 hours a day,seven days a week.


4. behind the scenes 

Something that happens in secret or not infront of the general public. 在幕后

eg: It's an exciting opportunity to learn what goes on behind the scenes.


5. change of pace 

something different from a normal routine or schedule.


eg: A change of pace will probably do you good. 


6. come up short 

to try to achieve something but fail. 让人失望

eg:Bill always seems to come up short of his parent's expectations. 


7. big picture 

Everything that is involvedwith a particular situation is called “the big picture.” 大局,大宏图

eg: Some of these examples come from big-picture trends.


8. fifty-fifty 

“Fifty-fifty” means something is divided equally. 平分为二

9. ahead of the curve 

to be more advanced than the competition. 占得先机,保持领先

eg: The technology firm invests heavily in R&D in order to keep ahead of the curve.


10. by the book 

to do things according to company policy or the law. It means to followthe rules 100%. 按章办事

eg: He showed little initiative, handling all matters strictly by the book.


11. back to square one to startsomething over again. 问题回到原态,从头再来

eg: We got a phone call from the lawyers and is was back to square one.


12. ahead of the pack 

to be better or more successful than the competition. 领先的.出类拔萃

eg: At this stage in the campaign, the Democratic candidate is way ahead of the pack.


13. call it a day 

to decide to stop working for the day. 收工


A:I'm very tired. We're done too much work today.

B:OK,let's call it a day.


14. ASAP 

an acronym for “as soon as possible.”

15. from the ground up

When you start a business, project, or something else from zero. 从头开始; 完全地,彻底地

eg: All I asked her to do was make a few revisions to the employee handbook. It's not like she has to create the whole thing from the ground up!


16. go broke 

to go bankrupt or to lose all the money a person or business had. 破产

eg: The majority of small businesses go broke within the first twenty-four months. 


17. go down the drain 

When someone wastes or loses something.“泡汤”或者“付诸东流”

eg: A single mistake and all that time and money would go down the drain.


18. go the extra mile 

to do more than what people expect.做比期望的多得多的努力; 做更多,取得更大的成就

eg: To do your duty is not enough. You must go the extra mile.


19. go through the roof 

rapidly increasing. 快速增长

eg: The unemployment rate went through the roof。


20. gray area 

something that is undefined and not easily categorized. 灰色地带,不明确,不清楚的状态

eg: Transitions aren't easy, so it's important to cut yourself some slack as you move through the gray area. 


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