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Part I Translate the following sentences into English or into Chinese.


1. 中国曾长期实行高度集中的计划经济,把计划看成是绝对的,束缚了生产力的发展。

2. 中国的软实力比西方的更具魅力,因为它代表着“开放包容、友爱无界”,本质是“和平与和谐”。

3. 中国的崛起离不开世界。中国必须坚持对外开放的政策,在平等互利的基础上,同世界一切友好国家发展经贸关系。

4. 中国政府将为外商来华投资创造稳定的政策环境、公平统一的市场环境以及完善的法律环境。

5. 这条线贯穿了皖西南的众多名胜,有美丽的万佛湖,有历史文化古城安庆,而天柱山则为这条旅游线路增添了更悦目的看点。

6. Even when the bubble can be identified, working out when it will pop is almost impossible.

7. The events in the Middle East are a useful reminder to consider steps that can help prepare a portfolio (投资组合) for unexpected events.

8. The problem is that regulators, and for that matter everyone else, can never get more than a glimpse at the internal workings of the simplest of modern financial systems.

9. For continued growth, China needs more well-developed capital markets to facilitate its transformation from an export-driven economy to a consumer-led one.

10. The world’s largest and most important banks should pay additional fees to address the risk that any liquidity shortfall in their institutions causes wider damage to the financial system, the International Monetary Fund said on Wednesday.


Part Ⅱ Translate the following passages into Chinese.


Passage 1

The pension gap has caused countries to cut social benefits promised to citizens, local governments to cut benefits promised to municipal workers and companies to cut pension promised to employees. For example, Greece required a European Union bailout and in order to secure funding, it had to agree to harsh austerity measures including reductions in social pension benefits that the government had already committed to pay to its citizens.

Detroit, a U.S. city in the state of Michigan, declared bankruptcy in 2013 mainly due to a pension funding gap that was estimated to be USD 18 billion. As part of the bankruptcy, Detroit was able to renegotiate pension payments due to its municipal workers. These lower pension payments increased the pension gap and put extreme pressure on families that were counting on full pension payments from the city.

Examples of companies that were forced to reduce promised pension payments to employees are Ford Motor Company and British Home Stores (BHS). Ford had accumulated a USD 15 billion pension funding gap by 2012. In order to remediate this shortfall, it offered over 90,000 employees a pension buyout. This lump sum offer reduced the huge pension liability on Ford’s books. It also allowed employees to spend money on current wants and needs versus saving for retirement, thus adding to the pension gap. BHS declared bankruptcy in 2015 and required a government takeover. Along with the takeover came an immediate 10% reduction in pension benefits and a removal of an inflation protection benefit.

Asia has no less of a pension gap issue than Europe and North America. In fact, some may argue that the situation is direr. According to a Geneva Association calculation, Japan has the highest current pension gap in the world. This is due to Japan having the second longest life expectancy in the world, coupled with one of the lowest fertility rates in the world.

The Japanese government saw this evolution in demographics coming and instituted cuts to retirement benefits and increases to normal retirement ages in the late 1990s. Then, in 2004, an automatic pension stabilizer was enacted that annually recalibrates benefits according to the number of workers in the workforce and life expectancy development. It is too early to tell if these measures will be socially sustainable, as benefits may need to be reduced during the next 20 years.


注释:BHS(British Home Stores)英国家庭商店

A pension buyout is a type of financial transfer whereby a pension fund sponsor pays a fixed amount in order to free itself of any liabilities relating to that fund.

Calibrate = If you calibrate an instrument or tool, you mark or adjust it so that you can use it to measure something accurately.



Passage 2

Microsoft said it would supply free towels in company showers, better food in staff canteens and on-site laundry service in an effort to boost employee morale as it battles for talent with Google and other recent start-ups.

The outbreak of the internet “perks war” is the latest sign of Microsoft’s attempt to keep some of the trappings of a fast-growing Silicon Valley start-up as it takes on more of the characteristics of other large, slower-growing blue chip companies.

Google has become the most visible exponent of Silicon Valley’s entitlement culture, using the free food in its highly rated cafeteria, along with the availability at its campus of services ranging from massages to automobile oil-changes, to help attract and retain workers. The tech companies defend the on-site perks as a way to reward employees who often work long hours and who would otherwise have to leave the premises, making them less efficient.

Microsoft’s decision to offer new employee perks, initially only at its headquarters campus near Seattle but eventually also in other sites around the world, marks a reversal of an earlier, unpopular cost-cutting policy.

A decision to scrap the free towel service two years ago became a lightning rod for employee dissatisfaction. Under Ken Dipietro, who was hired as head of human resources from Dell, a technology company renowned for its low-cost ways, Microsoft abandoned a number of perks, echoing a wider attempt at the time to bring a new and more stringent financial discipline to the software company.

Mr. Dipietro was replaced a year ago by Lisa Brummel, an internal appointment that signaled the company’s desire to repair some of the damage to morale. In an internal e-mail to staff earlier this week, Ms Brummel unveiled a number of changes to Microsoft’s compensation system and other management systems.


注释:Culture of entitlement

An entitlement is the right to a particular privilege or benefit, granted by law or custom. Your entitlement program at work might offer various benefits, or you might receive a medical entitlement once you reach a certain age. These are just basic things you get. More recently, entitlement has taken on a critical sense. If someone has a sense of entitlement, that means the person believes he deserves certain privileges — and he's arrogant about it. The term "culture of entitlement" suggests that many people now have highly unreasonable expectations about what they are entitled to.

Lightning rod = A real lightning rod attracts lightning to it. A person is said to be a lightning rod to suggest they attract something to them, most often criticism, controversy, or negative comments.



Part III Translate the following passages into English.


Passage 1




Passage 2











注释:沪港通(Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect program)是指上海证券交易所和香港联合交易所允许两地投资者(investors of the two sides)通过当地证券公司(或经纪商)(local securities firms or brokers)买卖规定范围内的对方交易所上市的股票(trade eligible shares listed on the other's market),是沪港股票市场交易互联互通机制,包括沪股通以及港股通两部分。

证券公司、基金公司、期货公司、人身险公司= securities, fund management, futures and personal insurance companies


Part I Translate the following sentences into English or into Chinese.


1. For many years in the past, China practiced a highly centralized planned economy and regarded planning as being absolute. This hampered the development of productivity.

2. China’s soft power is more appealing than the west's because it represents “openness and tolerance, friendliness and inclusiveness” and a general feeling of “peace and harmony”.

3. China's rise could not be achieved without the rest of the world. We must always adhere to the opening up policy and develop economic and trade exchanges with all friendly countries on the basis of equality and mutual benefit.

4. The Chinese government will build a stable policy climate, a fair and uniform market and a perfect legal regime for all foreign business people.

5. The itinerary runs through many scenic spots in west Anhui Province, including the spectacular Wanfo Lake, the historical and cultural ancient city Anqing, and the Tianzhu Mountain, which adds to the beauty of the route.

6. 即使能够发现泡沫,算出它何时破裂也几乎是不可能的。

7. 中东发生的事件是一次有益的提醒,它告诉人们应该考虑采取措施防止投资组合受到意外事件的冲击。

8. 问题在于,即便是对于最简单的现代金融体系的内部运作方式,监管者,甚至是其他任何人,都只能是管中窥豹。

9. 为了使经济继续增长,中国需要更为完善的资本市场,促进从出口型经济向消费型经济的转型。

10. 国际货币基金组织周三表示,全球最大及最重要的银行应缴付额外费用以应对这样一种风险:它们机构的流动性短缺对金融体系造成更广泛的危害。


Part Ⅱ Translate the following passages into Chinese.


Passage 1








Passage 2





两年前微软曾取消向员工免费提供毛巾,此举成为了员工不满的导火索。当时在人力资源主管 Ken Dipietro的主持下,微软取消了员工的若干福利,取消福利只是微软新的更严格的财务纪律的一部分。(人力资源主管)Ken Dipietro 来微软之前就职于戴尔公司,那是一家以低成本而闻名的科技公司。

Dipietro先生一年前被Lisa Brummel女士取代,这是一项内部任命,标志着该公司希望修复对先前士气的损害。本周早些时候,Brummel女士在发送给员工的内部电子邮件中,披露了微软薪酬体系和其他管理体系的一些变化。

Part III Translate the following passages into English.


Passage 1

“Only by looking at history in the right way can we create a better future.” As witnessed throughout human history, those who launched external aggression and expansion in an attempt to dominate the world are doomed to failure. That is the law of history. We Chinese people have no blood of aggression and expansion flowing in our veins, and we reject the fallacious logic that a powerful nation is bound to exercise hegemony. In modern history, the Chinese nation had long been invaded and bullied by foreign power–a fact that has further strengthened our determination to safeguard world peace rather than compelling us to accept the rule of “kill or be killed” or “the law of the jungle.”

Napoleon Bonaparte once said that China “is a sleeping lion,” and “when China wakes, it will shake the world.”Awaken as it is now, China turns out to be a peaceful, amiable, and civilized lion. We are celebrating this 70th anniversary today for the purpose of remembering history and revolutionary martyrs, but more significantly, for the preservation of peace and for the shaping of the future. History has proved that China’s peaceful development has contributed anew to the maintenance of world peace, and history will continue to prove that China’s future development will further strengthen the peace-loving forces of the world.


Passage 2


Yi Gang, Governor of the People's Bank of China, stated at the Boao Forum for Asia 2018 that the following six measures of financial openness will be implemented during the next few months under the guidance of the spirit of implementing opening-up measures proposed by President Xi Jinping.

The first is to remove foreign ownership limits on banks and asset management companies, and investors, both foreign and domestic, will be treated equally. Foreign banks will be allowed to set up branches and subsidiaries in China at the same time.

The second is to lift foreign investment limits to 51% for securities, fund management, futures and personal insurance companies, and all limits will be removed beyond three years.

The third is to eliminate the requirement that at least one of the domestic shareholders of joint venture securities companies be a securities company.

The fourth is to further improve the Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect mechanism(initiative)and expand the current daily quota for Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect flows by four times starting from May 1st.

The fifth is to open the insurance agency and other insurance businesses to qualified foreign investors.

The sixth is to allow foreign insurance brokerage companies the same scope of business as Chinese companies.

Yi Gang said that the above six measures will be progressively implemented in the coming months. By June 30 this year, most of these measures will be implemented.



说明:“一是取消银行和金融资产管理公司的外资持股比例限制”这句话也可翻译为:The first is to remove limits on the shareholding ownership ratio of foreign banks and asset management companies. 不过,翻译为The first is to remove foreign ownership limits on banks and asset management companies是英语中更加常用的表述,意思也是清楚的。

“人身险公司”要翻译为personal insurance companies,life insurance(人寿险)是“人身险”的一部分。