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全国商务英语翻译考试   中级口译

English Translation Test of Business Language Interpretation Intermediate-level


Please listen to the instructions for this exam. This exam is divided into 3 parts: (1) dialogue; (2) English to Chinese passage interpretation; and (3) Chinese to English passage interpretation. //   

Listen to the following dialogues and passages, then interpret them as required. After you hear a sentence or a short passage in Chinese, interpret it into English by speaking into the microphone. Likewise, after you hear an English sentence or a short passage, interpret it into Chinese. When you are expected to start interpreting you will hear this tone… [TONE]… You will hear this tone again when you are expected to stop. You will hear the dialogue or passage only once. //


Part 1


A: Good morning. My name is Henry White. Here is my card.  // 

B:怀特先生,见到您非常高兴。我叫赵玲,是星星纺织品进出口公司的代表。 // 

A: Pleased to meet you too, Ms. Zhao. This is my first visit to China. I must say I have been much impressed by your friendly people.  // 

B:谢谢夸奖。您参观过我们的展室了吗?展出的大部分是我们的畅销产品,比如丝绸、毛织品、棉布旗袍和唐装等。 // 

A: Oh, yes. I had a look yesterday. I found some of the exhibits fine in quality and beautiful in design. The exhibition has successfully displayed to me what your company handles. I’ve gone over the catalogue enclosed in your last letter. I’m very interested in your silk suit.  // 

B:我们的丝绸以质量好著称。丝绸是我们的传统出口商品之一。我们的丝绸唐装色彩鲜艳、设计美观,在国外很受欢迎,需求量一直都很大。 // 

A: Some of them seem to be of the latest style. Now I’ve a feeling that we can do a lot of trade in this line. We wish to establish relations with you.  // 

B:我们双方的愿望是一致的。 // 

A: Concerning our financial position, credit standing and trade reputation, you may refer to our local Chamber of Commerce or inquiry agencies.  // 

B:谢谢你所提供的情况。我们公司是国营公司,我们一向是在平等互利的基础上进行外贸交易,我们之间建立业务关系将对双方有利。我相信业务关系的建立也将使我们之间的关系更为密切。 // 


Part 2

Passage interpretation: English to Chinese

Imagine looking up to gaze at the moon on a clear summer night only to see the sky full of glowing advertising billboards. That’s the future envisioned by a Russian start-up which plans to launch billboard advertisements into low-Earth orbit as early as 2021.  // 

Russian company StartRocket announced plans to introduce orbital advertising billboards. The ads would only be visible at night but could be seen from just about anywhere on the planet. The company could start testing its sky advertisements next year.  // 

“We are ruled by brands and events,” StartRocket project leader Vlad Sitnikov said. “The Super Bowl, Coca Cola, Brexit, the Olympics, Mercedes, FIFA, Supreme and the Mexican wall.  // The economy is the blood system of society. Entertainment and advertising are at its heart. We will live in space, and humankind will start delivering its culture to space. The more professional and experienced pioneers will make it better for everyone.”  // 

However, not everyone agrees that having enormous billboard-style advertisements in the night sky will be good for everyone.  // Experts have argued that the bright ad banners could interfere with the ability to study the skies, or that the grid of satellites will eventually become space junk and potentially interfere with more significant space activity or aviation safety.  // 

Sitnikov doesn’t seem to be bothered about the criticism his company’s project has received from the scientific community, though. He claims space advertising is inevitable, and compared the reactions “Orbital Display” has been getting to people’s reactions to TV ads at the advent of television.  // 


Part 3

Passage interpretation: Chinese to English

博鳌亚洲论坛自成立以来,聚焦亚洲、放眼世界,围绕各方关注的经济社会发展重大课题,提出很多有价值的意见和建议,已成为在亚洲乃至世界有影响的高层次对话平台。 // 去年,中国国家主席习近平在博鳌亚洲论坛年会开幕式上发表了“开放共创繁荣、创新引领未来”的主旨演讲。 // 今年年会的主题是“共同命运、共同行动、共同发展”。共同命运,就是同舟共济,大家都在同一条船上;共同行动,就是协商协调,有事情大家商量着办;共同发展,就是包容发展,有了成果大家共同分享。 // 期待大家发表真知灼见,凝聚共识,为亚洲和世界的和平稳定、发展繁荣作出积极贡献。 // 
    世界经济虽继续保持增长,但受国际贸易投资低迷、保护主义加剧等因素影响,呈现动能减弱、增速放缓态势, // 同时新的不稳定性不确定性还在上升,很多方面变幻莫测、扑朔迷离,市场信心不稳。 // 困难和挑战确实不容低估,但也不应悲观失望,世界经济中还有很多积极因素,尤其是新一轮技术和产业革命方兴未艾。 // 经济下行压力和增长动力相互胶着,前景如何取决于各方的认识和行动。 // 

That’s the end of the exam.  【3秒】


Part 1



B:I’m pleased to meet you, Mr. White. My name is Zhao Ling, the representative of Star Textile Import and Export Corporation.

A:赵女士,见到您我也很高兴。这是我到头一次来到中国。你们这里的人非常友好, 给我留下了深刻的印象。

B: Thank you for saying so. Have you visited our exhibition halls? On display are most of our best selling products, such as silk, woolen knitwear, cotton cheongsam and Tang suit.


B: Our silk is known for its good quality. It is one of our traditional exports. Our silk Tang suits are brightly colored and beautifully designed. They’ve met with great favor overseas and are always in great demand.


B. Your desire coincides with ours.


B: Thank you for your information. As you know, our company is a state-operated one. We always trade with foreign countries on the basis of equality and mutual benefit. Establishing business relations between us will be to our mutual benefit. I have no doubt that it will bring about closer ties between us.


Part 2








Part 3


 The Boao Forum, with its founding focus on Asia and a global perspective, has put forth many valuable suggestions and recommendations on major issues of public interest concerning economic and social development, evolving into an influential high-level dialogue platform for Asia and beyond. At the opening of its annual conference last year, President Xi Jinping delivered a keynote speech titled “Openness for Greater Prosperity, Innovation for a Better Future”. The conference this year has chosen a highly relevant theme of “Shared Future, Concerted Action, Common Development”. We have a shared future just like passengers on the same boat who need to help each other. We need to take concerted actions to address challenges on the basis of consultation and coordination. We need to pursue common development, which should be inclusive and delivers benefits to all. I hope you will share insights, build consensus and contribute to promoting peace, stability, development and prosperity in Asia and the world.

 World economic growth has remained in the positive territory, yet it has been weighed down by factors such as sluggish international trade and investment, and rising protectionism. New uncertainties and destabilizing factors are mounting. The situation on many fronts is intricate and volatile, compounding market unease. While no one should underestimate the difficulties and challenges, we must not lose faith or feel pessimistic, as we can also see many positive factors in the global economy, not least the impressive progress of the new round of technological and industrial revolution. There seems to be a contest of strength between downward pressure on the one hand and growth momentum on the other. How things play out depends on the judgment and actions of all stakeholders.

That’s the end of the exam.  【3秒】